Search results for “ruby mountains”

Thinking about the future of fly fishing

Published in Youth, Conservation

Editor’s Note: Each year, participants at Trout Unlimited regional Youth Fly Fishing and Conservation summer camps are invited to enter the TU Teen Camp Essay Contest. The prompt for 2019 was “Why is conservation important to fly fishing?” We received many wonderful entries and are pleased to share the top five essays. To find a


Published in Voices from the river, Conservation, Fishing
Fly fishing in New Mexico.

I was driving home the other morning from my son’s school, where a prospective head of school had fielded questions from an auditorium full of parents. One father had asked how the candidate would promote critical thinking in an environment so well known for its “indoctrination” of our nation’s youth. He seemed to accept this reality, yet expressed hope that debate would be encouraged on controversial topics. One of them, no surprise, was

Fishwest Fly Shop

Fishwest Fly Shop located in the “Gateway To The Uintas” in Kamas, Utah. Fishwest Fly Shop opened its doors in 2008 in the Salt Lake Valley and we’ve been serving local anglers and visitors to Utah ever since. The fly shop is a full-service fly fishing outfitter offering flies, apparel, and other fly fishing essentials

Voices from the River: A signal

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Chris Hunt By Chris Hunt I’ve got a trip planned to a remote little fishing village in Mexico later this winter, and one of the first things I was warned of when I reserved a little cottage on the beach was (after hitting Google Translate), “There is no cell service here.” I do

TU building Technical Assistance Program in New Hampshire

Published in Community, Conservation

By Joel DeStasio  Trout Unlimited continues to build upon our successful series of community flood resiliency workshops in New Hampshire, engaging local decision-makers, such as Selectboard, Department of Public Works and Conservation Commission members, on identifying and restoring critical infrastructure.  During this recent series of workshops, TU successfully worked with an additional 23 communities across the Granite State, increasing awareness of infrastructure risk and vulnerability while at the same time educating stakeholders on how to

Fishing and aging

Published in Voices from the river

Aging. We all do it — every minute and second of every day. Why is wisdom gained only with age? Hitting a rather large, round number earlier this year, I’ve been reflecting on life — how to spend more time living my life, how to spend more time with the people I love, and how to make the most of those minutes and seconds, every day.  Of course, one answer

TU making fishing better on Vermont’s Mettawee

Published in Uncategorized

Replacing perched and undersized culverts with bridges allows fish and other stream-dwelling residents access to important, additional habitat. By Erin Rodgers   Trout Unlimited’s ambitious work on the Mettawee River in Vermont moved forward in earnest in 2018 setting the stage for continuation of the effort in 2019.   This ongoing project aims to remove or restore all barriers fish

Large wood additions improving habitat in Vermont

Published in Uncategorized

By Erin Rodgers  A Trout Unlimited project in Vermont is improving fish habitat in an important native trout stream.   In July and August 2018, a field team of seven people — led by me and Joel DeStasio— installed a significant amount of large woody habitat on 3.5 miles of Michigan Brook in Pittsfield.   The team used

Scientists warn of climate threats to Southwest native trout

Apache trout FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 1, 2015 Contact: Randy Scholfield,, 720-375-3961 Jack Williams,, 541-261-3960 Scientists warn of climate threats to Southwest native trout Trout Unlimited launches SWNatives campaign to save Americas most imperiled trout (Phoenix)Scientists from conservation groups such as Trout Unlimited and federal and state wildlife agencies gathered in Phoenix last

Sportsmen: BLM improves plan for North Park, but more protection is needed for fish, wildlife

For Immediate Release: Friday, March 21, 2014 Contact: Judith Kohler, National Wildlife Federation, 303-441-5163; Katie McKalip, TRCP, 406-240-9262, Shauna Sherard, TU, 307-757-7861, Sportsmen: BLM improves plan for North Park, but more protection is needed for fish, wildlife DENVER A management proposal for Colorados North Park is an improvement from earlier plans for

Trout Tips: Let conditions choose your rod

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

An angler fishes a small mountain stream with a shorter, lighter fiberglass rod. For years, I’ve gravitated to lightweight and shorter fly rods, simply because I usually spend my summers chasing trout in tight quarters along snaking backcountry streams. The shorter rod length lends itself to fishing among overhanging willows, allows for tighter casts, shorter

The gift of fishing

By Charlie Perry Trips to waters filled with trout were the norm of my childhood. Summer adventures in Yellowstone. Weekends spent in the High Uinta Mountains of Utah. Holidays fishing the Green River in a deep red rock canyon below Flaming Gorge Reservoir. These were special places for my family. I have many cherished memories

Video spotlight: Flip Pallot

Published in Video spotlight

“Things get said in a skiff that wouldn’t get said in a confessional,” Flip Pallot says. No kidding. As a trout guy, I’ve always said that the truth always comes out around a campfire. And I’d love to share a campfire conversation with Flip Pallot. As a formative fly fisher in my 20s and early

Anglers to President Trump: Protect our waters.

Published in Uncategorized

This week, Congress voted to make it easier for coal mining companies to dump their waste in your streams and rivers. To be clear, this will not bode well for your fishing. The repeal of the Stream Buffer Zone Rule by both House and Senate will make it easier for mining companies to remove mountain

New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon's Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife

6/22/2004 New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon’s Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife New TU Report Demonstrates Vital Link between Oregon’s Roadless Lands and Native Fish, Wildlife Bulk of states remaining healthy salmon, steelhead & trout depend on headwaters and tributaries found within federal roadless lands, which also support its longstanding fishing, hunting

250 Virginia Anglers Assist with Acid Rain Research

4/24/2000 250 Virginia Anglers Assist with Acid Rain Research 250 Virginia Anglers Assist with Acid Rain Research Contact: 4/24/2000 — — Contacts: Catharine Tucker, Trout Unlimited’s Virginia VTSSS Collection Coordinator: (804) 264-6941 Rick Webb, University of Virginia: (804) 924-7817 Maggie Lockwood, Trout Unlimited’s Director of Press Relations: (703) 284-9425 April 24, 2000. Charlottesville, VA. From

Hermosa Bill gets hearing in the House

For immediate release 3/6/2014 Contact: Ty Churchwell (970) 903-3010, Hermosa Bill gets hearing in the House Bill would protect more than one hundred thousand acres near Durango Washington D.C. A bill that would protect the Hermosa Creek watershed near Durango, Colorado took another step toward becoming law as it received a committee hearing Thursday

A Native Odyssey – Southern Appalachian brook trout in Tennessee

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 16 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our native