Search results for “ruby mountains”

Reflections from more than a decade of Alaska conservation

Published in Community, Conservation

By Mark Kaelke Over the last 13-years as a Trout Unlimited staffer in Alaska I’ve learned successful conservation efforts are most often realized as a result of persistence and coalition-building, and that sometimes, “winning” means just keeping what we already have.  As I wrap up my time as a TU employee, I’ve been asked to

Long live the Gila trout

Published in Travel
Gila trout in New Mexico.

Seven of us pierced the Gila wildlands that day, and, despite the best efforts of a clueless pot-shotter, all seven of us made it out without holes in our hides. We never figured out who was shooting or what they were shooting at

Public lands package passes House

Published in Conservation, From the field

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Protecting America’s Wilderness Act (H.R. 803). Trout Unlimited strongly supports this legislation, as it will better conserve and restore public lands, watersheds and coldwater fisheries in four Western states and support the country’s commitment to countering the impacts of climate change by protecting at least 30 percent of

Copper-Salmon group encouraged by D.C. visit

5/2/2006 Copper-Salmon group encouraged by D.C. visit May 2, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Mike Beagle (541) 772-7720, Copper-Salmon group encouraged by D.C. visit Volunteers say lawmakers interested in their wilderness proposal MEDFORDA group of volunteers and Trout Unlimited staff members seeking wilderness protection for southwest Oregons Copper-Salmon area returned from Washington, D.C., late

Trout Unlimited Applauds Extension of Abandoned Mine Lands Program

6/20/2006 Trout Unlimited Applauds Extension of Abandoned Mine Lands Program June 20, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Amy Wolfe, (570) 726-3118 Trout Unlimited Applauds Extension of Abandoned Mine Lands Program ARLINGTON, VA Congress last week sent a supplemental spending bill to the President that includes a short-term extension of the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund, which

Native Odyssey: Jacob Lacy

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Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program is sending five college students on a native trout odyssey across America this summer. Meet Jacob Lacy one of the five lucky participants. As a Colorado native I knew I’d end up finding something to take me outside and up to the mountains. With biking, hiking, and

Voices from the River: River sunfish of summer

Published in Voices from the river

By Mark Taylor The local river is a trout river. Sort of. From October through May the state dumps thousands of hatchery-reared rainbows and brookies into it. By summer those fish are long gone, caught and creeled by locals who are both dedicated and skilled. Then the river is back to what nature intended, which

Conservation System earns permanent protection

03/25/2009 Conservation System earns permanent protection March 25, 2009 Contact: Dave Glenn, (307) 332-6700, ext. 16 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Conservation System earns permanent protectionSportsmen celebrate codified protection of high-value fish and game habitat WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, the bill that contains

Trout Unlimited Supports the Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Restoration Act

For Immediate Release Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs (703) 284-9406; Trout Unlimited Supports the Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Restoration Act Bill provides tools, targets for restoration efforts ARLINGTON, VA.–Trout Unlimited applauds senators Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) and Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD) for introducing the Chesapeake Clean Water and Ecosystem Restoration

TU calls for answers on Big Thompson fish kill

TROUT UNLIMITED RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2016 Contact: David Nickum,, (720) 581-8589 Randy Scholfield,, (720) 375-3961 Trout Unlimited calls for accountability in Big Thompson fish kill Asks: How did this happen, and how can it be prevented from happening again? (DENVER) Trout Unlimited today called for answers and accountability in the

A New School Year with the TU Teens of Gallipolis

Published in Uncategorized

The Tu Teens Club of Gallipolis, OH is in it’s 5th year! It is the first of its kind in the mid-west region of Trout Unlimited. Shannon Mayes is a teacher at the Gallia Academy Middle School and founded the club in 2013. TU Teens is part of the Recreation On Campus for Kids (ROCKS)

No traction for mining bill in Montana

Published in Uncategorized

The Montana House of Representatives took the side of the hard rock mining industry when they voted to table a common-sense bill, HB 593, recently. HB 593, introduced by Representative Nate McConnell (D-Missoula), would have required an independent audit of mining companies every 3 years. These audits would make sure the mining companies are following

Muscle memory on the Green River

Published in American Places, Featured

My previous canoeing experience had consisted of gliding across the glassy lakes of the Sierra Nevada. And while Lake Tahoe and Lake Lahontan could become treacherous in a storm, they did not represent the intrinsic peril of the swift, boney river onto which I was about to embark

Every week can be Trout Week

Published in Community, Featured

The inaugural Flylords/Trout Unlimited Trout Week is wrapping up, but we can all keep it going in the weeks and months to come. From committing ourselves to increasing our personal conservation efforts on local waters, to connecting more with TU opportunities and initiatives online and across the country, every week can be Trout Week. Here’s

30 Great Places: Chattahoochee-Oconee

Published in Uncategorized

Region: Southern AppalachiaActivities: FishingSpecies: Brook, rainbow and brown trout Where: The Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests span nearly 900,000 acres across 26 counties in northern and central Georgia. The region provides some of the state’s most outstanding outdoor recreation opportunities and natural wonders, including Georgia’s tallest mountain (Brasstown Bald, at 4,784 feet), 75 miles of the Appalachian

TU Business spotlight: Coy Wylie Colorado Real Estate

Published in Uncategorized

Like any organization, Trout Unlimited is an aggregation of people who share a common interest – in our case, fish and fishing. One of the great things about TU is the people you meet who care so much about trout and salmon in America. Take Coy Wylie, for example. Coy is a native Texan who

Robinson Brook project reconnects trout habitat in New Hampshire

Published in Uncategorized

By Colin Lawson Trout Unlimited and partners recently completed a project bypassing an old earth dam on Robinson Brook in New Hampshire, expanding habitat for brook trout on the Ashuelot River tributary. TU’s project team designed a step, pool riffle configuration to allow full passage of all fish species in all flow conditions (above). The

Gear test: Chaco Teton boots

Published in Uncategorized

Just a few years ago, and while still in my 30s, I was required to have both of my hips replaced as the result of arthritis and overuse. My ankles, unfortunately, are in about the same shape as my hips. Rolled ankles, sprains and softball sized swelling are maladies with which I’ve become all too