Search results for “ruby mountains”

Voices from the River: Whitefish

Published in Voices from the river

The underappreciated mountain whitefish. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Eric Booton With a trip to Montana on the books for a wedding, I immediately began penciling out how I could optimize my time with the groom, my family and seek out new finned friends in some remarkable rivers with my wife. The famed waters of

Climate change and the future of Yellowstone

Published in Conservation

Above, the view from the lip of Lower Yellowstone Falls. Photo by Chris Hunt. Below, Larry Harris on Indian Creek in Yellowstone National Park. by Larry Harris I have camped and fished in Yellowstone Park almost every year from 1992 to the present, enjoying weeks there with family and friends. Yellowstone Park is crowded when

Climate change and the future of Yellowstone

Published in Conservation

Above, the view from the lip of Lower Yellowstone Falls. Photo by Chris Hunt. Below, Larry Harris on Indian Creek in Yellowstone National Park. by Larry Harris I have camped and fished in Yellowstone Park almost every year from 1992 to the present, enjoying weeks there with family and friends.  Yellowstone Park is crowded when

Acid mine waste and trout don’t mix

Published in Conservation, Science

The North Star Mine in Silverton, Colo. Mining plays an important part to Colorado’s history. Many mountain towns were founded upon mining and some still rely on it as an economic driver. But it also left a legacy of damage and destruction to many headwater streams and rivers around the state. Trout Unlimited’s mine reclamation program balances maintaining the

Birding while fishing

Published in Fishing, Voices from the river

One of my favorite parts about fishing is the spectacular places it takes you. From high mountain streams with peaks towering overhead to desert rivers with cliff walls reflecting the day’s heat, there are hardly any ugly places to fish. Sure, there are the occasional honey holes with a nearby power plant or apartment complex in the city, but when fishing,

Shop local with a TU Business member

Published in Community

We have somewhere over 400 great TU Business members. Check them out. Buy some gear. Book a trip. Buy a gift card. You’ll be glad you did, and so will the fish.

Guide. Stop Pebble. Repeat.

Published in Uncategorized

The 2020 Save Bristol Bay Guide Ambassador program connected local guides to resources to stand up against Pebble. This year, we are calling on guides to help us advance permanent protections for the fish, people, and communities of southwest Alaska.

Ninemile: Bringing in the big guns for river restoration

Published in From the field, Featured

Work is ramping up again as the Ninemile Creek restoration enters its fifth phase. And this one is a big one as workers prepare to bring in the bulldozers, excavators and haul trucks. “This particular reach of Ninemile Creek was significantly altered, destroyed, even by Ninemile standards,” said Paul Parson, Clark Fork restoration coordinator for

Leading Scientists Agree on Path Forward to Save Snake River Salmon

American Fisheries Society doubles down on the need to remove the dams to save critical wild populations of salmon and steelhead. Contacts:  Greg McReynolds, Intermountain West ACP Director, Trout Unlimited  Helen Neville, Senior Scientist, Trout Unlimited,  Zoe Bommarito, Mountain West Communications Director,  The American Fisheries Society (AFS) adopted a resolution urging policymakers

TU Goes to Spain

Published in Science
A group of around two dozen people stand on a shady sidewalk

Stream Salmonids Symposium offers a venue to highlight TU’s science work and learn from scientists around the globe.

Taking the extra step in Montana

Published in Fishing

“Oh my god, oh my god,” the woman screamed. Our walk became a run.
With her partner out of earshot, I noticed she did not have a net. By the looks of the bend in her rod, I decided she might need one.
“You want a net?,” I asked.
“PLEASE!,” the woman yelled, eyes never breaking from the water.

A Native Odyssey – Hoofing it for Rio Grande cutthroat

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 18 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our

Restoring streamside vegetation using grazing and beavers

Published in Science, Conservation

Ranchers, Bureau of Land Management staff, and other partners tour Susie Creek in 2012.Photo courtesy Carol Evans/BLM. If you hang around a Bureau of Land Management biologist near a stream long enough, you are bound to hear the acronym PFC. Proper Functioning Condition is a long-standing rapid assessment the BLM uses to evaluate the overall condition or

The end of the world as we know it

Published in Uncategorized, Fishing, Travel

Maybe the most etherial flight from Denver follows the spine of the Rockies, the high Divide separating east from west that limbos beneath the Gulf of Mexico and winds its way through the isthmus of Panama, into the South America and on down to the curling tusk of Cape Horn.

Desert rainbows

Published in Voices from the river, Featured
A rainbow trout from Idaho's Little Lost River.

On a map, it doesn’t look all that far. A quick jaunt up the freeway. A race across a sea of potato fields and a good section of the Idaho National Laboratory, where plans are in place to build a dozen modular nuclear reactors to help power some 36 western communities starting in less than a decade. Finally, there’s the run up the river valley to where the desert meets the Lemhi Range