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Trout Unlimited Films

Published in Video spotlight

How much do you know about the vital work Trout Unlimited is doing across the country? One great way to learn more is to watch some of our recent films.  

Collaboration and compromise restore trout almost lost in Colorado

Published in Travel

By pack mule and on foot, the Forest Service and Colorado Parks and Wildlife members went in to save the previously thought-to-be extinct lineage. Less than 100 individual trout were removed and taken to the Durango fish hatchery for safekeeping and possible brood stock development.

Trout Unlimited Asks Court To Expedite Decision In The Case Involving California's State Fish

Trout Unlimited Asks Court To Expedite Decision In The Case Involving California’s State Fish Trout Unlimited Asks Court To Expedite Decision In The Case Involving Californias State Fish Contact: Steve Trafton California Policy Coordinator (510) 528-4772 1/17/2002 — Albany, CA — The national conservation organization Trout Unlimited has asked a federal judge to grant their

TU President Chris Wood testifies on Good Samaritan legislation

Published in Uncategorized

Abandoned mine drainage impacts a small stream near homes in Pennsylvania. By Mark Taylor In Pennsylvania’s lower Kettle Creek watershed, an area scarred by abandoned mine drainage, water quality is improving. For example, Trout Unlimited and partners have worked to reclaim about 160 acres of abandoned mine land and installed nine passive treatment systems in

Anglers and Hunters Ask Congress to Keep Roadless Areas in National Forests Roadless

4/4/2001 Anglers and Hunters Ask Congress to Keep Roadless Areas in National Forests Roadless Anglers and Hunters Ask Congress to Keep Roadless Areas in National Forests Roadless Roadless areas include some of the best remaining habitat for fish and wildlife Contact: 4/4/2001 — — Washington, D.C. At a hearing today before two subcommittees of the

TU Asks Feds to List California Golden Trout As Endangered

10/26/2000 TU Asks Feds to List California Golden Trout As Endangered TU Asks Feds to List California Golden Trout As Endangered Trout Unlimited says California’s state fish threatened with extinction Contact: 10/26/2000 — — Contact: Steve Trafton, Trout Unlimited’s California Policy Coordinator, (510) 528-4772 Roland Knapp, Ph.D., Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Lab, (760) 647-0034** October

Wild: Firehole River brown trout

Published in Uncategorized

Tom Reed with a nice Firehole River brown trout. We’d walked maybe a mile away from the bike trail that crosses the Firehole River, just upstream of the Fountain Flat parking area, putting a bit of distance between us and the last couple of anglers we wandered past that early June day several years back.

Sportsmens bill advances in Senate – S.1514, the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act.

Published in Uncategorized

On July 26th, 2017, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee advanced S.1514, the Hunting Heritage and Environmental Legacy Preservation for Wildlife Act (HELP Wildlife Act). Trout Unlimited supports this bill, which reauthorizes a number of useful conservation programs until 2023. The reauthorized programs that Trout Unlimited is particularly supportive of include: North Americans Wetlands

TU Volunteer Named Conservation Hero of the Year by Field & Stream Magazine

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Erin Mooney 703-284-9408 Howard Kern recognized for his work protecting Californias golden trout Arlington, VA.– Trout Unlimited (TU) volunteer Howard Kern, of Westlake Village, Calif., was named Field&Stream magazines 2009 Conservation Hero of the Year. Howard represents the best of TU’s members, said Chris Wood, TUs Chief Operating Officer. He is

Protecting Watersheds: Hermosa Creek to lead by example

Contact : Ty Churchwell (970) 903-3010, Shauna Sherard (307) 757-7861, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Protecting Watersheds: Hermosa Creek to lead by example Sen. Michael Bennet introduces rare legislation that will preserve and entire watershed for sportsmen and all users DURANGO — A stakeholder-driven collaborative effort came to fruition Wednesday when Sen Michael Bennet, D-Co,

TU, rancher boost fish habitat on Chalk Creek, UT

chalk_creek_bonneville.jpg A Chalk Creek native Bonneville cutthroat: Reconnected to spawning habitat FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 6, 2013 Contact: Paul Burnett, 801-436-4062 Tim Hawkes, 801-928-9008 Trout Unlimited, rancher boost fish habitat on Chalk Creek Project reconnects Weber River cutthroats with spawning habitat (Salt Lake City)The Weber River is home to one of Utahs most

Youths, DOI secretary talk public lands

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014 Contacts: Judith Kohler, National Wildlife Federation, 303-441-5163; Katie McKalip, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, 406-240-9262;; Shauna Sherard, Trout Unlimited, 307-757-7861; Youths, DOI secretary talk public lands Winners of sportsmens essay contest share with Secretary Jewell how their experiences on public lands have shaped their lives WASHINGTON

Forest Service to study Wyoming Range parcels

For immediate release 3/21/2014 Contact: Steve Kilpatrick, Wyoming Wildlife Federation (307) 413-7249 Amy Rathke, National Outdoor Leadership School (307) 335-2262 Ron Hansen, Trout Unlimited member and owner Wind River Outdoor Company (307)330-5770 Forest Service to study Wyoming Range parcels Agency announces start of report to look at oil and gas on controversial parcels Big Piney

Monongahela National Forest one of 10 special places

Nov. 18, 2014 Contact: Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monongahela National Forest recognized in 10 special places report Rugged forest in West Virginia has attracted hunters and anglers for generations WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited is featuring the Monongahela National Forest in

Sportsmen praise passage of Hermosa Creek bill

Dec. 12, 2014 Contact: Ty Churchwell, 970-903-3010, John Gale, 303-441-5156, Matt Kenna, (970) 385-6941, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sportsmen praise passage of Hermosa Creek bill Legislation conserves outstanding Colorado backcountry hunting and fishing lands DURANGO, Colo. Trout Unlimited, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, the National Wildlife Federation and other sportsmens groups today praised Senate

Chuck Sams wins TU's 10 Special Places essay contest

Contact: Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Michigan angler Chuck Sams wins 10 Special Places Essay Contest Virginians Bo Painter and Matthew Reilly garner second and third places WASHINGTON, D.C. Chuck Sams is an engineer living within a days ride of all the great Michigan rivers. He attends trout camp