Search results for “ruby mountains”

Hiking the CDT: Fire and wildlife

Published in Youth, Featured, Featured, Travel

It was not a bad place to be looking for wildlife. There were deer, elk, and moose everywhere. Our best elk sighting was on the second to last day, when we came over a pass. Down in the valley we saw a group of about 50 elk, two bulls were fighting, their antlers clacking when they crashed together. From that exact spot at the top of the pass, we also saw a bull moose kneeling beside a lake, and four mountain goats along a ridge above him.

Joy and Wonder

Published in Fishing, Women, Youth

It would be years before I caught much more apart from a few fishing trips in the mountains for brook trout and a couple others on a nearby lake for rainbows.

Anglers and hunters applaud actions to create Sáttítla National Monument

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  August 30, 2024 Contacts:Sam Davidson, Trout Unlimited, (831) 235-2542, sam.davidson@tu.orgJoel Weltzien, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers (406) 925-3771, Trout Unlimited and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers support permanent protection for unique aquifer, upland habitats, and sporting opportunities of the Medicine Lake Highlands SACRAMENTO—Trout Unlimited (TU) and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BHA) praised today’s

Trout Unlimited Launches New Film Celebrating Revival of Historic Wyoming Watershed  

Contact: Nick Gann, Rocky Mountain Communications Director, Trout Unlimited – Trout Unlimited media resources: CHEYENNE, WY – Earlier today, Trout Unlimited (TU) launched a new film, “Lifeblood,” celebrating the collective work and partnerships needed to revitalize Muddy Creek, an important tributary of the Colorado River Basin located south of Rawlins, Wyoming.  For decades,

A watershed moment: Congress passes legislation to address toxic legacy of abandoned mines 

Bipartisan “Good Samaritan” legislation will pave the way for long-awaited cleanups of toxic mine waste  Contacts:  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, in a historic bipartisan achievement two decades in the making, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Good Samaritan Remediation of Abandoned Hardrock Mines Act (S.2781 / H.R.7779). The legislation is expected to be signed

Making the most of winter’s return

Published in Fishing

After taking a hiatus of several years, winter has returned to Virginia. The mercury has been dipping into the single digits here in the Blue Ridge Mountains, and daytime highs have barely peaked north of freezing for a couple weeks.

Arizona Trout Unlimited Members On Front-Lines Of Endangered Trout Reintroduction

9/29/1999 Arizona Trout Unlimited Members On Front-Lines Of Endangered Trout Reintroduction Arizona Trout Unlimited Members On Front-Lines Of Endangered Trout Reintroduction Local Members Donate $2,000 for Airlift of Fish Contact: 9/29/1999 — — Arizona’s once prolific Gila (He-la) trout will return to their former home on Wednesday thanks to the leadership, financial assistance and manpower

TU hosts telephone press conference on proposed Copper-Salmon Wilderness

4/18/2006 TU hosts telephone press conference on proposed Copper-Salmon Wilderness April 18, 2006 MEDIA ADVISORY: TU hosts telephone press conference on proposed Copper-Salmon Wilderness Sportsmen and local business people will travel to DC and request official designation from Congress PORT ORFORD, Ore.-Trout Unlimited will host a telephone press conference on Thursday at 10 a.m. to

Voices from the River: Pandora

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt We had a moment this week, my youngest brother and I. As we struggled through the instructions that came with the Sam’s Club charcoal grill we’d hustled to the store to acquire while three juicy ribeyes sat stoically on the kitchen counter, we connected through music and memory. We have one thing

Native Odyssey: The Valle Vidal

Published in Uncategorized

Located in Northern New Mexico’s Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the Upper Rio Grande River Basin, Valle Vidal lies within the Carson National Forest. Meandering its way through Valle Vidal, Comanche Creek is one of the last refuges for Rio Grande cutthroat trout in the state of New Mexico. TU’s extensive Commanche Creek project addresses

AEP Foundation Provides $100,000 for Cold Water Conservation in Region

04/22/2009 AEP Foundation Provides $100,000 for Cold Water Conservation in Region FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 22, 2009 Contacts:John Ross, Virginia Council of TU,, (540) 592-7020Chris Shockey, West Virginia Council of TU,, (304) 422-1375Todd Burns, AEP,, (540) 798-2686 Photos: AEP Foundation Provides $100,000 for Cold Water Conservation in RegionGrant establishes Trout Conservation Fund

Public Lands Energy Development: Working Together to Protect Fishing and Hunting

Published in Uncategorized

During the second Presidential debate, Governor Romney and President Obama engaged in a heated exchange about energy development on public lands.  My ears perked up and my eyes went from my hunting area maps right to the TV. But I didn’t find enlightenment. The candidates simply said what we already know.  Both Governor Romney and President Obama

TU urges infrastructure upgrades to secure water, protect rivers

Trout Unlimited Press Release Oct. 29, 2013 Contact: Laura Ziemer, 406-599 2606 Steve Moyer, 571-274-0593 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Trout Unlimited urges infrastructure upgrades to secure Western water supply, protect river habitat Water supply solutions often require new thinking, not a bigger bathtub WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 29, 2013Speaking today at a U.S. House hearing

Voices from the River: An Idaho solution

Published in Voices from the river

Redfish Lake, Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho. Photo by Chris Hunt by Chris Hunt I admit it. I’m biased. I love my home state of Idaho. Home to sprawling sage-brush seas, sky-piercing mountains, old-growth cedar and spruce forests and some of the best trout water on the planet, it’s no accident that I arrived here some

Celebrate Arbor Day with TU in New York

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited is working in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Trees for Tribs Program and other partners to plant more than 4,200 native trees and shrubs on priority coldwater stream throughout eastern New York this spring. The goal of the planting projects is to help

Everything you wanted to know: Coastal cutthroat trout

Published in Fishing

Coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) Species summary and status: The coastal cutthroat trout (CCT) is located in watersheds from California to Prince William Sound in Alaska. However, several populations in western Oregon are thought to be at moderate risk of extinction, because of ocean conditions and habitat-related problems.  Coastals have dark green backs with olive

Brookies in Tennessee get a new, improved home

Published in From the field, Conservation

Trout Unlimited recently partnered with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency to establish a wild brook trout in the Trail Fork of Big Creek in the Cherokee National Forest. Replacing undersized culverts with a new bridge expanded the amount of habitat available to the fish.