Search results for “ruby mountains”

Voices from the River: Lost and found

Published in Voices from the river

“History is written from what can be found; what isn’t saved is lost, sunken and rotted, eaten by earth.” —Jill Lepore By Dave Ammons Hey, I found your fishing rod. It was early morning during my daily walk up the road as the lig ht was breaking across the canyon walls. I passed the day-use

Voices from the River: Fisherman’s Nightmare

Published in Voices from the river

By Scott Willoughby They call it Fisherman’s Nightmare. And as scare tactics go, it’s as accurate as it is effective. Floating into the chaotic jumble of rocks and water that serves as sentinel to the Colorado River’s daunting Gore Canyon, it’s easy to imag ine how the rapids earned their name. Dropping precipitously from the

Voices from the River: A trip west

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

By Ben Tayloe A spoiled, seven year-old yellow lab named Chester and a six-week stay in Germany for my wife’s job made the drive across the country a necessity. The only family member who volunteered to watch our dog happened to live on the central coast of California, a great place to visit but nearly

Voices from the River: Sometime streams

Published in Uncategorized

Southern steelhead country. My son and I wandered into the land of the southern steelhead yesterday. Cactus sprouted like gargoyles from the sandstone outcroppings that lined the creek up which we hiked. This winter has been profligate all across California and yet another massive cumulonimbus cloud reared up over the peaks above us. Then it


Along much of California’s coast, lack of streamflow – often caused by the diversion of water for human use – is a major impediment to recovery of salmon and steelhead. Trout Unlimited works with a diverse collection of partners on projects that improve dry season streamflow for the benefit of native coho and steelhead. Water

Fishing with The Medic

Published in Voices from the river, Conservation, Fishing

For some years I have used the fall equinox as an excuse to spend a night or two in the Sierra Nevada, sleeping on the ground and fishing for trout in a small tributary to the upper San Joaquin River. This year, I made the grievous error of inviting my brother to join me. This

American Rivers names Delaware its River of the Year

Published in Conservation

By Rob Shane  For those in the Mid-Atlantic, or for anyone who’s been trout fishing long enough to have a bucket list of rivers, you’re certainly familiar with the Delaware River. Aside from being the source of drinking water for more than 15 million people in two of the largest cities in the United States (New York and Philadelphia), it

Hiking the CDT: Old friends in new places

Published in Youth, Travel, TROUT Magazine

There was a storm at our backs as we neared Silver City, a winter storm calling for 6 inches of snow. That night, we had to use tents for the first and last time in New Mexico. I was annoyed because it broke our cowboy camping streak. We had slept out every night in New Mexico. Thankfully, it only sprinkled.

Time in the field brings balance into focus

Published in Angler Conservation Program, Conservation

by Tasha Sorensen We must give due consideration to the tenuous balance between fish and wildlife conservation and energy development and update our antiquated public land energy policy before it’s too late.  Our public lands help sustain America’s energy needs, host a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities and provide healthy habitats to support some of the last strongholds of native fish and wildlife. As a mom, aunt

Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter's Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal

10/7/1999 Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter’s Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter’s Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal TU Calls on NDEP Not to Issue Bogus Work Permit Contact: 10/7/1999 — — Governor Guinn, Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Pappa, U.S. Senator Richard Bryan, Elko Mayor Mike Franzoia and