Search results for “ruby mountains”

Time in the field brings balance into focus

Published in Angler Conservation Program, Conservation

by Tasha Sorensen We must give due consideration to the tenuous balance between fish and wildlife conservation and energy development and update our antiquated public land energy policy before it’s too late.  Our public lands help sustain America’s energy needs, host a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities and provide healthy habitats to support some of the last strongholds of native fish and wildlife. As a mom, aunt

Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter's Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal

10/7/1999 Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter’s Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal Nevada Public Officials Agree Carpenter’s Plans To Rebuild Road Are Illegal TU Calls on NDEP Not to Issue Bogus Work Permit Contact: 10/7/1999 — — Governor Guinn, Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Pappa, U.S. Senator Richard Bryan, Elko Mayor Mike Franzoia and

Voices from the River: Fishing dogs

Published in Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt The low grumble in Phoebe’s throat grew into a steady growl, and her floppy ears perked up. She stared across the Little Greys River Canyon in the fading twilight, clearly interested in something across the river. “Hush,” I said instinctively, nursing a gin and tonic and staring into the flames that were

Sportsmen Announce New Alliance to Protect Sporting Tradition in Marcellus Shale Region

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited, (607) 742-3331 John Barone, Theodore Gordon Flyfishers, (914) 572-3626 Scott Kovarovics, Izaak Walton League of America, (301) 548-0150 ext. 223 Dave Miller, New York State Trappers Association, (607) 664-7161 Kip Adams, Quality Deer Management Association, (814) 326-4023 Richard Martin, Pennsylvania Forest Coalition, (717) 480-0324 Terra Rentz, The

TU scores victory for brook trout in Pa.’s Twomile Run

Published in Conservation, Fishing

TU stream sampling efforts recently turned up wild brook trout in Pennsylvania’s Twomile Run, a stream in the Kettle Creek watershed that had been dead for decades due to abandoned mine drainage that was addressed by passive treatment systems. By Amy Wolfe With some projects, the results are immediately tangible. Take for instance a project

Buckle up. Trout Week is coming

Published in Community, Featured

From Sept. 25 through Oct. 2, we’ll bring you dozens of ways to connect — from virtual conversations with important names in conservation and fishing to in-person opportunities to get your hands dirty and your waders wet with local TU members and supporters

Native Odyssey: California

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program sent a handful of student-anglers on a road trip across America in search of native trout. On the team’s final stop, they visited California. Sequoia National Forest Located in south-ce ntral California, Sequioa National Forest encompasses slightly less than 2,000 square miles. It is named, as is

Voices from the River: Shocking truths

Published in Voices from the river

Al Kittredge of the Smith River chapter of Trout Unlimited displays a 24.8-inch brown trout collected from the river during an electroshock sampling trip in June. The fish was released after it was measured. By Mark Taylor We all know that one decision or event can radically alter our life’s path. Halfway through my senior

Voices from the River: Heat Wave

Published in Voices from the river

Finding refuge from the heat, Stanislaus National Forest. By Sam Davidson Across the country, summer is prime time for trout fishing in the mountains . At higher elevations you typically get relief from sweltering lowland temperatures and find the kind of small water-wild fish opportunities that are, in some ways, the heart and soul of