Search results for “ruby mountains”

Native Odyssey: Yellowstone National Park

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program Native Odyssey Team visited Yellowstone National Park recently, where they chased native fish in the waters where they belong. Public Land: Yellowstone National Park. Establ ished March 1, 1872, Yellowstone National Park covers an area of 3,471 square miles through Wyoming, Montan and Idaho. The park rests

Catskill Stream Improvement

Goals The Catskills are known as the birthplace of American fly fishing. Replete with rivers and streams, the area is a destination for many thousands of fisherman and women each year. TU is actively improving a number of trout streams in the Catskills and throughout the southern tier of New York to increase fishing opportunities

TU staffers celebrate Public Lands Month

Published in Responsible Recreation, Featured

To celebrate Public Lands Month, many TU staffers took to their local public lands and waters to participate in #ResponsibleRecreation. Staying close to home while still getting out to enjoy the outdoors has been imperative for many during the pandemic. Here are some of their stories: Exploring public land heritage along the Columbia River Tsagaglalal. 

The old man’s fly rod

Published in Voices from the river, Featured

Some years back, I got a gift package in the mail right around Christmas time. It was from my uncle John, my mom’s brother. Long and slender, the package was a complete mystery to me–we’d long since stopped receiving gift packages from aunts and uncles, so I was really curious. Come Christmas morning, I watched

Climate resilience in a hotter, drier West

Published in Conservation

The West is in the grips of another hot, dry summer, with more than 60 large wildfires currently burning across the region. At the same time, the effects of last year’s fires are apparent in many states; Interstate 70, a major artery for east-west transportation, has been shut down through Colorado’s Glenwood Canyon multiple times in the past two months due to mudslides resulting from last year’s Grizzly Creek fire. The epicenter of the ongoing drought is the Colorado River

Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

Published in Dam Removal

A stream roiling dark with Chinook salmon in central Idaho’s wilderness high country. A throb, a pulse of life into a pristine river, the abundance of the ocean arriving in the flesh of thousands of salmon in a wild mountain river hundreds of miles inland. This was. This was life itself, for the land, for the water, for the people.

Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

Published in TROUT Magazine, Snake River dams

Wheeler wants the fish back. The Nez Perce people want the fish back. So does the Yakima nation, the Nisqually, the Sauk-Suiattle, the Nooksack. All united to one cause—bring the Snake River salmon back for once and for all. Bring the dams down.

Fishing the Olympic Peninsula

Published in Priority Waters

Angling on the peninsula can be had year-round and is especially unique because of how dynamic the rivers are and how much they change from one season to the next.

2024 TU Sweepstakes winners announced

Published in Community

Our grand prize winner, Joe V. of Oklahoma, won a 4-days/5-nights trip for winner and a guest at the Linehan Outfitting Company’s Yaak Valley Log Cabins. Led by experienced guides, they’ll fish the pristine Kootenai River, the legendary Clark Fork River, and the mighty Missouri, and relax at the end of each day in beautiful,

Naxiyam Wana and the Uniter

Published in Snake River dams

Shannon Wheeler, Vice-Chairman of the Nez Perce Tribe envisions this not as past tense, but future. He, as with other leaders of tribal nations in the region, see the return of the Snake River system to a semblance of its former self as essential to the health of the entire Pacific Northwest and its residents. Wheeler wants

Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Martin Kviteng

Published in Uncategorized

Trout Unlimited’s Bristol Bay Ambassadors program highlights the people who help in the fight to save Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine. As we said at the launch, “For every person we highlight, we know there are hundreds more, doing their part because they care about Bristol Bay.” If you know someone who should be featured,

Voices from the River: Proud Wyoming Women’s Retreat

Published in Voices from the river

Katy, with support from her friend Tiffannie, was able to land this beauty of a brown trout at the last bend before the boat ramp during the Women’s Fly Fishing Float. Photo by Miguel Valdez. By Sadie St. Clair When the Seedskadee Chapter of Trout Unlimited started the annual Women’s Fly Fishing Float five years

Seth Green chapter seeking to restore a paradise lost

Published in Community, Conservation

By Cal Curtice “This is probably the last generation of trout fishers.” — Forest and Stream Magazine 1879  In 1620, virgin forest covered the United States from the tip of northern Maine, south to central Florida, and west beyond the Mississippi River. Native brook trout swam throughout their cool, clean waters, including those in the Finger

Honoring a legacy through wild and scenic designation

Published in Featured

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What was your best fishing trip ever?

Published in Trout Talk

Periodically, we’ll pose questions to a ” fly-fishing roundtable” of TU anglers in hopes of spurring discussion among all anglers about all things fly fishing. This week: What was your best fishing trip ever?