Volunteers go big on the Hooch

TU volunteers in the Southeast turned a $7,500 Embrace-A-Stream grant into a quarter-million-dollar project and energized the local conservation community.
TU volunteers in the Southeast turned a $7,500 Embrace-A-Stream grant into a quarter-million-dollar project and energized the local conservation community.
TU has done more to protect and sustain and restore native trout species than any other organization, and it’s not close.
Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va) recently met with Trout Unlimited’s Dustin Wichterman (right) and West Virginia landowner Greg Hulver to discuss how federal funding, such as through the Chesapeake Bay Program and several Farm Bill programs, has contributed to West Virginia trout stream and farm restoration success. (Photo courtesy of Sen. Capito’s office.) By Mark
Step one: throw a long cast down or upstream, immediately click the bail, establish tension, then activate your lure with a six to eight foot pull. Step two: stop everything. In these two moves, you have alerted every trout in the pool to the arrival of a big and vulnerable prey. Step three: resume a
Fire on the mountain, anall too familiar scene in the West. By Chris Wood California is in the midst of its most deadly and damaging fire. At least 50 people have died, 6,700 homes burned, and more than 250,000 people evacuated. In response, President Trump tweeted: The President’s response is troubling in a number of
Climate change is a major threat to trout and salmon. Their habitat is quickly changing and there will be a lot less of it in the future. But we still don’t have an understanding of if, or how, these cold-water fish might evolve to adapt to a warmer environment. Identifying the genetic basis for any adaptation is
Monday, August 19, 2019 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, lsteen@tu.org Lee Mabey, Forest Fisheries Biologist, Caribou-Targhee National Forest, 208-557-5784, lmabey@fs.fed.us JACKSON, Wyoming –Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Caribou-Targhee National Forest (CTNF) announced today the Tincup Creek Stream Restoration Project’s third year of construction is underway. The project is a large-scale,
Here in the West—particularly in its more fishy corners—it’s easy to see how trout and fly fishing impact the regional economy. In places like Livingston, Mont., where a giant trout crafted in rock graces the hill above town, or in Island Park, Idaho, where outfitters and lodges line the Henry’s Fork, it’s easy to grasp
Mr. Big Lived in a deep, cool pool in a tiny, unnamed tributary to the South Umpqua River in Douglas County, Ore. I spotted him for the first time on a chillly early summer morning in the late 1970s, when I was probably 12 or 13. Mr. Big became my obsession. I’ve been thinking about
We set out to go on the trip of a lifetime and through TU, Hettinger Outfitting, and all those that help preserve the beautiful wilderness of the Bridger-Teton we definitely succeeded. But the boys aren’t calling this one our last…we’re making trips like these a tradition.
Pack it in a mug, stuff it in your waders and you’ve got a hot, rich — and cheesy — lunch that makes gas station ramen a bad word.
“I knew the bugs would be smashed up against the bank and the angle and light would all be just right, but I was in pain. I ended up arguing with myself but seeing the shot already in mind forced me to get up and be a functioning human being. I knew if I didn’t go then, I would miss it. Things couldn’t have worked out any better. I owe that to the river.”
The Pecos River, its tributaries and surrounding wilderness area, is where much of northern New Mexico comes to fish. In fact, many of us learned how to fish on the Pecos.
Overview Trout Unlimited’s efforts to balance coldwater conservation with responsible energy development date back more than a decade. TU’s leadership in the effort to protect the Wyoming Range represents one of the best examples of anglers and hunters bringing people together from across the political spectrum for a common goal to protect public lands. In 2009, TU led a
Growing coalition unites in effort to protect, restore and expand state’s Gold Medal fisheries FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 23, 2021 Contact: Scott Willoughby, Trout Unlimited, 970-390-3676, Scott.willoughby@tu.org DENVER, CO – Trout Unlimited (TU) today announced the launch of “Colorado Gold,” a new conservation campaign designed to change the way the angling community thinks about Colorado’s Gold Medal
A new short film celebrates Bill McMillan’s commitment to citizen science and the Skagit River’s wild steelhead
Momentum is building for TU’s restoration team in New York
Overview Abandoned mine remediation experts at state agencies and conservation groups like Trout Unlimited know how to leverage public and private dollars to clean up abandoned mines, creating jobs and clean water along the way. However, federal laws treat non-liable third parties who want to voluntarily clean up abandoned mines – Good Samaritans – as
Public Lands support the underlying spirit of traditional bowhunting and fly fishing As trout season draws to a close in Michigan, the leaves change hues and, for many of us, our attention turns to antlered pursuits with the opening of archery deer season. Out West, hunter-anglers have been pursuing elk for almost a month
New TU film gives a case study of how TU is leasing water rights to benefit rural communities and restore a former Blue Ribbon trout fishery.