Search results for “ruby mountains”

Greater Little Mountain: Doing it the right way

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

A young pronghorn fawn attempts to avoid detection within the Greater Little Mountain Area in southwest Wyoming. Josh Duplechian/Trout Unlimited By Brett Prettyman “The Little Mountain area is considered by many to be the crown jewel for wildlife and recreation.” Former Wyoming Governor David Freudenthal Special places only stay that way if they are protected.

Conservation of Greater Little Mountain Area included in draft BLM management plan  

Proposed Rock Springs resource management plan balances conservation and energy development  ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo. – Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a draft resource management plan (RMP) for the Rock Springs Field Office, located in southwest Wyoming. The area is home to the Greater Little Mountain Area, a 500,000-acre region prized by hunters

Dispatch from Apacheria

Published in Fishing
Man with a fishing pole walks through a glen towards mountains

It is July in Arizona, and the heat lies out there like some hulking great beast, a monster with an appetite that seems always unsated.

Sundance Mountain Resort Hosts “The Movie”

Published in Uncategorized

It was the movie that brought thousands of new people to fly fishing. Director Robert Redford’s interpretation of Norman Maclean’s classic novella about family and fly fishing was an overwhelming success when it came out in the fall of 1992. Set in Missoula, Mont., in the 1920s it brought the beauty of wild fish and

TU launches San Juan Wilderness campaign

Published in Conservation

Today, Trout Unlimited launched Sportsmen for the San Juan Mountains Wilderness to underscore the importance of protecting public lands for hunting and fishing opportunities. Partnering with conservation groups, businesses, and individuals, Trout Unlimited used the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act to foster supporters across multiple spectrums who understand the need to protect these special places.

Public input sought in review of Little Mountain drilling application

For Immediate Release 1/7/14 Contact: Joshua Coursey (307) 389-7495 Wally Johnson: (307) 872-3890 John Hastert: (307) 871-1001 Public input sought in review of Little Mountain drilling application BLM announced it will increase opportunities for public involvement while reviewing drilling application in popular hunting and fishing area Rock Springs, Wyo. — The Bureau of Land Management