Search results for “ruby mountains”

TU launches San Juan Wilderness campaign

Published in Conservation

Today, Trout Unlimited launched Sportsmen for the San Juan Mountains Wilderness to underscore the importance of protecting public lands for hunting and fishing opportunities. Partnering with conservation groups, businesses, and individuals, Trout Unlimited used the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act to foster supporters across multiple spectrums who understand the need to protect these special places.

Public input sought in review of Little Mountain drilling application

For Immediate Release 1/7/14 Contact: Joshua Coursey (307) 389-7495 Wally Johnson: (307) 872-3890 John Hastert: (307) 871-1001 Public input sought in review of Little Mountain drilling application BLM announced it will increase opportunities for public involvement while reviewing drilling application in popular hunting and fishing area Rock Springs, Wyo. — The Bureau of Land Management

Trout Unlimited and partners break ground on two Buffalo Fork fish passage and restoration projects

Contact: Nick Gann, Rocky Mountain Communications Director, Trout Unlimited – Trout Unlimited media resources: JACKSON, WY — Trout Unlimited and partners recently broke ground on two fish passage and habitat restoration projects along the Buffalo Fork of the Snake River. Part of the federally designated National Wild and Scenic River System, the Buffalo

TU thanks Sens. Baucus and Burns for efforts to protect the Rocky Mountain Front

12/9/2006 TU thanks Sens. Baucus and Burns for efforts to protect the Rocky Mountain Front Dec. 9, 2006 Contact: David Stalling, (406) 531-7840, Chris Hunt (208) 406-9106, For immediate release: TU thanks Sens. Baucus and Burns for efforts to protect the Rocky Mountain Front GREAT FALLS, Mont.Trout Unlimited on Saturday thanked U.S. Sens.

Warm winter days are nice — when they are rare

Published in Voices from the river, Fishing

By Mark Taylor I probably shouldn’t have been surprised. The first truck was parked just past the “Special Regulations Trout Water” sign. A few hundred yards farther up the gravel Forest Service road I met an SUV coming my way. Two friends from my local Trout Unlimited chapter were in it. We rolled down our

Video spotlight: Tour de Tahoe

Published in Video spotlight

Combining fly fishing and mountain biking is certainly nothing new, but I’ve seen a few videos over the last several months that indicate this “bike-packing” into backcountry fly-fishing destinations is becoming more of “a thing” lately. Video of Tour de Tahoe // Bikepacking and Fly Fishing in the Sierra Mountains The video above is a

A Nation’s River

In the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia small streams tumble through hollows choked with hardwoods and laurel. In the valleys, creeks are born at gurgling limestone springs.  Generations ago there were trophy-sized native brook trout here. But as our nation grew the health of these creeks and these trout was an afterthought. Man’s impact damaged trout streams and trout populations.