Search results for “ruby mountains”

Montana Hunters and Anglers ask delegation to permanently protect the Rocky Mountain Front

3/23/2006 Montana Hunters and Anglers ask delegation to permanently protect the Rocky Mountain Front March 23, 2006 Contact: David Stalling, Trout Unlimited: (406) 721-4441, (406) 531-7840 (cell) Nathan Birkeland, Montana Wildlife Federation: (800) 517-7256 Rich Day, Montana Wildlife Federation: (406) 546-9347 (cell) Montana Hunters and Anglers ask delegation to permanently protect the Rocky Mountain Front

30 Great Places: White Mountain National Forest

Published in Uncategorized

Region: New EnglandActivities: Fishing, hunting, hikingSpecies: Brook and brown trout; whitetail deer; ruffed grouse; moose Where: The White Mountain National Forest comprises more than 750,000 acres in the eastern New Hampshire counties of Grafton, Coos and Carroll with a small portion of the forest extending into Maine. The forest includes over 100 miles of the

Smoky Mountain Angler

About us The Smoky Mountain Angler carries everything you need for a successful fishing trip in the Smokies or anywhere! As the oldest fly shop in Gatlinburg and the only fly fishing outfitter in town, we feature quality fishing gear from Orvis, Simms, Sage, Echo, Redington and more. We have the area’s best selection of

Video spotlight: High Altitude Lines

Published in Video spotlight

We’ve all done some questionable things for fish. We’ve toted float-tubes into the backcountry on the word of a Google maps photo, only the find the “lake” choked with lily pads and all of three feet deep. We’ve wandered up blue line in the Gazeteer only to realize, after too many miles to turn back,

New route proposed for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Published in Uncategorized

Confluence of Red Run and Dry Fork in the Cheat River drainage By Katy Dunlap Last fall, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) filed a formal application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seeking approval to construct and operate a 564-mile interstate natural gas pipeline across some of the best trout habitat in West Virginia and


About us Driftwater – a boutique accommodation and fly fishing lodge. Nestled in the Meander Valley at the gateway to the World Heritage listed Tasmanian Wilderness, Driftwater is perfectly positioned as a base for accessing the Tasmanian fishery. With its extensive and diverse waterways, pristine rivers and streams, clear mountain lakes, wild brown trout and

Conservation leader Emily Olsen joins Trout Unlimited as Vice President for Rocky Mountain Region

Olsen will lead TU’s trout and salmon conservation, habitat restoration, and advocacy programs in the Rockies.  Contacts:  ARLINGTON, Va.— Conservation leader Emily Olsen has joined Trout Unlimited as Vice President for the Rocky Mountain Region, the organization announced this week. Based outside Denver, Olsen will lead TU’s coldwater conservation, habitat restoration, and advocacy programs in

TU Applauds Introduction of Acid Rain Bills

3/15/2001 TU Applauds Introduction of Acid Rain Bills TU Applauds Introduction of Acid Rain Bills Contact: 3/15/2001 — — Passage of Legislation a Critical Step in Protecting Virginia’s Streams and Rivers Arlington, VATrout Unlimited, America’s leading trout and salmon conservation organization, applauded Senators Charles Schumer and Hillary Clinton for introducing the Acid Rain Control Act

Trout Tips: Skate the fly

Published in Fishing, Trout Tips

This little small-stream rainbow gobbled up a skated caddis. Ah, the dry fly, cast upstream over the perfect current seam. Is there a better sight in all of fly fishing? And when it works out … Damn, it ‘s awesome. It’s inspiring, effective and, well, it’s proper. But things don’t always line up just right,

Watch Now: A Beautiful Mess

Published in Video spotlight

“A Beautiful Mess” premiers this week. Check it out to see why this effort is needed, how the work fits in with TU’s new Priority Waters initiative, and how streams’ trout populations are responding.

TU welcomes proposed rule protecting trout water near coal mines

July 16, 2015 Contact: Steve Moyer (571) 274-0593 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU welcomes proposed rule protecting trout water near coal mines WASHINGTONA new proposed rule intended to lessen the impacts from mountain-top removal coal mining on rivers and streams represents a worthy effort on the part of the U.S. Department of the Interior, and Trout

Questar Corp. donates Rocky Mountain Front gas leases to Trout Unlimited

6/28/2006 Questar Corp. donates Rocky Mountain Front gas leases to Trout Unlimited June 28, 2006 Contact: Dave Stalling,, (406) 721-4441, (406) 531-7840 cell Chris Wood,, (703) 284-9403, (571) 274-0601 cell Brian ODonnell,, (970) 903-0276 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Questar Corp. donates Rocky Mountain Front gas leases to Trout Unlimited Conservation group asks Congress