Search results for “tomorrow fund”
10/30/2000 $5 Million for Maine Atlantic Salmon Signed into Law $5 Million for Maine Atlantic Salmon Signed into Law TU Praises Maine Senators and Administration for Cooperation Contact: 10/30/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Reardon, New England Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited, (207) 373-0700; Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9406 October 10,
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding supports projects in Washington State, California, Michigan, and Wisconsin
Above: Blackfoot River/Nate Shepard Here’s some fish film trivia for you: When shooting “A River Runs Through It,” producers passed on filming on the Blackfoot River, the setting chosen by the book’s author Norman Maclean. Instead, they filmed on the Yellowstone and Gallatin Rivers near Bozeman. Why? Back then, the Blackfoot was a mess. Mine
Land acquisition, conversion to regional park land, dedication of irrigation water to the Carmel River The Carmel River on California’s central coast is a native steelhead stronghold, but dams and a steady increase in diversions and pumping have contributed to a drastic decline in adult steelhead returns. Recently, two of three dams on this river
July 13, 2011FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs, (703) 284-9406, U.S. House of Rep. Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill Cuts Conservation Funding and Blocks Natural Resources Initiatives Bill attacks Clean Water Act, public land management, watershed restoration, and conservation funding. Arlington, Va. Trout Unlimited (TU) strongly opposes the appropriations bill
USFWS fish passage funding provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will support TU projects in Priority Waters across eight states
Administration decision invoking Defense Production Act to promote critical mineral development highlights need for policies that protect and restore our natural resources March 31, 2022 Contacts: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited, Corey Fisher, Public Lands Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, ARLINGTON, Va.—Today’s
The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, just passed by the U.S. Senate, would deliver a major shot in the arm to trout and salmon conservation efforts across the country. This bill would rebuild, improve and restore America’s infrastructure through a variety of programs, many of which directly support TU’s water, restoration, forest health and mine remediation efforts.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 Tom Wolf, Oregon Council Chair, (503) 640-2123 Mike Gentry, Tualatin Chapter, (503) 636-0061 TU Tualatin Valley Chapter Receives $9,900 to Restore Salmon Habitat on the Necanicum River LAKE OSWEGOTrout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 Dave Sweet, Wyoming Council Chair, (307) 899-9959 Phil Cameron, Jackson Hole TU, (307) 413-1971 TU Jackson Hole Chapter Receives $10,000 to restore Spread Creek JACKSONTrout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded a $10,000 Embrace-A-Stream grant to
Along with the on-the-ground project work and agency relationship-building we focused on in the last two posts, TU also works for legislative change that improves habitat, provides tools to respond to drought, preserves a thriving agricultural economy and works toward water security in the West. One of the legislative vehicles through which we work is
Proposed Bush Budget Ups The Ante For Nw Salmon, Yet Still Falls Well Short Proposed Bush Budget Ups The Ante For Nw Salmon, Yet Still Falls Well Short Recovery funding just over half of that requested by agency in charge of implementing federal salmon plan Contact: Jeff Curtis Western Conservation Director TU 503-827-5700 x. 11
Applying for Grants Grant funding accounts for 15% of all charitable giving in the U.S. and can be a great way for your chapter or council to tap into larger funding pools and take on larger and more complex projects. However, it is also a competitive area with many competing interests and organizations vying for
For Immediate Release: May 4, 2017Contact: Michael Pauker,, 646-335-0330 National Conservation, Sportsmen Groups Applaud Passage of Congressional Omnibus Spending BillThe bill contains more than $1.3 billion in vital funding and protections for Western water resources, including the Colorado River National conservation and sportsmen groups applauded passage through Congress of a new omnibus spending bill.
A massive package of legislation, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is currently working its way through Congress, having been passed by the Senate earlier this week. If enacted, this bill would make essential investments of remarkable size and scope to help the nation address the impacts of climate change, including some of the worst impacts of the
For Immediate Release: CONTACT: Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director: 607-742-3331 Erin Mooney, National Press Secretary: 703-284-9408 Trout Unlimited Urges Pennsylvania to Create a Severance Tax on Gas Drilling That Dedicates Funds to Conservation General Assembly must dedicate funds from tax to protect state natural resources. Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited (TU) and its Pennsylvania Council
Roads and other human travel infrastructure such as trails—especially those that are poorly maintained or have become decrepit—are a major cause of pollution and other degradation of trout and salmon streams. Much of TU’s restoration work involves repairing, replacing, and sometimes removing roads and related structures.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jeff Lindberg, Merrimack River Valley TU President (603)-305-0029Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Merrimack River Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter Receives Grant to Study Dam Removal on the Souhegan River Arlington, Va.– Trout Unlimited, (TU) the nations oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization,
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 James Piotrowski, Idaho Council Chair, (208) 332-3552 Chris Topmiller, East Yellowstone TU, (208) 587-2249 TU Ted Trueblood Chapter Receives $10,000 to reconnect Pierce Creek with the South Fork Boise River BOISETrout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Erin Mooney, TU National Press Secretary, (703) 284-9408 Dave Sweet, Wyoming Council Chair, (307) 899-9959 Kani Seifert, Platte Valley TU, (307) 327-5604 TU Platte Valley Chapter Receives $10,000 to remove barrier on the East Fork Encampment River SARATOGATrout Unlimited, (TU) the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization, today awarded