Search results for “tomorrow fund”
As a business owner, Jeff Munn knows it makes sense to understand his customers. One word kept coming up when Munn started tracking the activities of guests at the bed and breakfast he and his wife operate near Franklin, W.Va. Trout. “When we started asking people why they were coming to Pendleton County, nearly 20
TU is supporting the Moving Forward Act, which addresses significant water management challenges facing the West
Let’s get a win for clean water and healthy trout and salmon populations This month in Congress, we have a remarkable opportunity that doesn’t come along very often—a chance to advance a handful of issues that Trout Unlimited has worked on for more than a decade. Passing these priorities would put Americans back to work
These are the dog days of summer.
By Seth Moessinger On Sunday October 13, five neighboring chapters of Trout Unlimited joined forces to help restore important riparian habitat along Crabtree Creek within Western Maryland’s Savage River watershed. The watershed supports the largest population of native eastern brook trout in the state and is managed by the Maryland DNR as a zero-creel limit,
By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited has been awarded a grant of more than $100,000 for flood resilience work and river restoration work in New York. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos recently announced $316,767 in grant funding for three projects to help reduce localized flooding and restore aquatic habitats in
Trout Unlimited developed three conservation planning products to help identify strategic conservation opportunities and evaluate potential projects within the range of Eastern Brook Trout in the eastern United States. The Conservation Portfolio uses the 3-R framework (Representation, Resiliency, and Redundancy) to evaluate each population patch for resiliency to disturbances, likelihood of demographic persistence, and representation
Some places race horses. Some greyhounds. In Montana, we’re betting on a group of tagged cutthroat trout as they race their way up the Clark Fork River. The project is a joint venture between Trout Unlimited and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to learn more about how trout use the habitat in Rock Creek. Trout
On Feb. 5 the United States House of Representatives passed HR 4031, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) Act. This bill seeks to increase the GLRI funding back to its original levels of $475 million. The bill had support from 50 bi-partisan co-sponsors and passed 373-45. Additionally, 15 Representatives spoke in support of the bill. They
As partnership specialist for Trout Unlimited’s Driftless Area Restoration Effort (TU-DARE), Peter Jonas helps anglers, farmers, resource professionals, environmentalists, educators, students, and government officials work together to heal watersheds. Peter developed experience and expertise in recruiting partners, community building, public speaking and grant writing in his prior work as an ordained minister and as a
“It’s go time” – Luke Kelly On the wild coastal rivers of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, Trout Unlimited is removing migration barriers, reconnecting floodplains and restoring critical spawning and rearing habitat for struggling populations of wild salmon and steelhead. Working alongside our partners at federal and state agencies, regional tribes and the Cold Water Connection Campaign,
In September, the Wisconsin Clear Waters TU Chapter and Oak Brook, Illinois TU Chapter completed a stream restoration project on Traverse Valley Creek in Trempealeau County, with a focus on educating local youth. The restored section of stream is along highway X, 5 ½ miles from the junction of X and State Highway 93.
Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and
Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and
Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and
Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and
Protect The Waters You Love! Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come. With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and
Trout Unlimited Partnerships: Water, Ecosystems, Communities At Trout Unlimited we work on water. Keeping it cold, clean and connected for generations to come. Work with us. TU partners with companies large and small to bring to life a shared vision for sustainability. TU is the nation’s leading national conservation organization working to protect and restore
10/30/2001 Report Shows Alaska’s Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Report Shows Alaskas Ocean-Ranching Hatcheries Could Pose Significant Threat to Wild Salmon Overloading Alaskan waters with hatchery-reared salmon may cause irreversible damage to wild stocks Contact: Jan Konigsberg , Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity Program , Trout Unlimited 907/248-0693 Director, Alaska Salmonid Biodiversity
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 19, 2017 Contacts: Shauna Stephenson, Trout Unlimited, ; Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited, WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited recently welcomed seven new members to its board of trustees at its annual meeting in Roanoke, Va. The new board members bring a mix of conservation expertise, fishing industry acumen, business management experience