Search results for “tomorrow fund”

Harry White Appointed Naugatuck River Steward

3/22/2001 Harry White Appointed Naugatuck River Steward Harry White Appointed Naugatuck River Steward Contact: 3/22/2001 — — On March 1, 2001, the Naugatuck Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited appointed Harry White (MF ’00 Yale) to the position of Naugatuck River Steward. White is a Yale-trained ecologist with extensive academic and practical experience in natural areas

Climate Change Testimony

Chris Wood, TU’s Chief Operating Officer, testified on Wednesday, November 18 at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The hearing was held to discuss the Administrations response to climate change as it pertains to management of federal forest land. His testimony is

Voices from the River: Deadbeat dams

Published in Voices from the river

Photo by Eric Booton By Eric Booton In the summer of 2015, I spent a week with my family on the Olympic Peninsula. We hiked in Olympic National Park, fished for humpies in the salt, and took a field trip to check out the recently liberated Elwha River whose dam had been re moved and

Lining the way to fish recovery

Published in Uncategorized

Photo: Yakima River/Guenther Media How do you find extra water for farmers and fish? In Washington, it requires lots of heavy equiment.Historically, Kittitas Reclamation District (KRD) in Ellensburg, Washington has needed the full capacity of its canals to deliver irrigation water to its Kittitas County farmers. As water moved through KRD’s system a portion was

Jeremy Brooks memorial internship applications due Feb. 1

Published in Community, Featured

If you know a young person who is interested in the outdoors, fishing and/or conservation as a possible career path, and you think they might want a really cool summer job where they will get their boots wet, have them learn more about the Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship from Trout Unlimited here.   The Jeremy Brooks Memorial Internship is

Trout Unlimited Praises Reid/Leahy Farm Conservation Bill For Putting Fish In Farm Programs

11/15/2001 Trout Unlimited Praises Reid/Leahy Farm Conservation Bill For Putting Fish In Farm Programs Trout Unlimited Praises Reid/Leahy Farm Conservation Bill For Putting Fish In Farm Programs Contact: Steve Moyer , Vice President for Conservation Programs, TU (703) 284-9406 Vice President for Conservation Programs TU (703) 284-9406 11/15/2001 — Arlington, VA — Trout Unlimited (TU)

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel to be TU Legislative Counsel

12/11/2003 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel to be TU Legislative Counsel Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel to be TU Legislative Counsel Contact: Steve Moyer VP for Government Affairs and Volunteer Operations Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9406 12/11/2003 — Washington, D.C. — Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Counsel Kira Finkler will join

TUDARE hosts 10th annual bus tour of restoration sites

Published in Uncategorized

By Duke Welter Near ly 60 people participated in a recent bus tour to visit restored streams in the heart of Southeast Minnesota’s Driftless Area. In this 10th annual tour organized by the Trout Unlimited Driftless Area Restoration Effort, participants got to walk four streams and talk with project managers, biologists, designers and contractors. Questions

Renewable energy bill reintroduced in Senate

Bill would provide funds to conservation projects For Immediate Release 10/23/19 WASHINGTON D.C. – The Senate reintroduced their version of the Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act today, providing support to the balance between future wind and solar projects and the protection of fish and wildlife resources. The bill would direct royalty dollars to conservation

Land management and development

Trout Unlimited supports responsible forms of development — as sportsmen and women, we use our fair share of resources. The same is true for responsible mining — but we have to find a balance. And that balance has to recognize there are places that are simply too special to develop, be it oil and gas,

Membership Recruitment & Engagement Resources

Our local chapters and councils are the front line – and often the front door – when it comes to how new members join the organization, how active they become as volunteers and participants, and how much they support our work at all levels of the organization. While there are a host of resources to

Newsletter features 2020 highlights for Great Lakes team

Published in Conservation

We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s Great Lakes team soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead

White House Releases Final Snake River Plan

12/21/2000 White House Releases Final Snake River Plan White House Releases Final Snake River Plan Environmental leaders encouraged that plan has been improved, but still have concerns Contact: 12/21/2000 — — A joint press release from: American Rivers Friends of the Earth National Wildlife Federation Sierra Club: Bill Arthur Taxpayers for Common Sense Trout Unlimited

Measuring restoration success in PA’s West Branch Susquehanna watershed

Published in Uncategorized

By Shawn Rummel The West Branch Susquehanna drains an area of approximately 7,000 squares miles in north-central Pennsylvania, a watershed that’s double the size of Yellowstone National Park. Due to the large amount of public land in the basin —more than one-third is state forest, state park, or state game lands — it is a tremendous