Search results for “tomorrow fund”

Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund

1/28/1999 Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund Conservationists Welcome Proposal For $100 Million Coastal Salmon Fund But New Money Won’t Buy Time For Columbia/Snake Salmon Contact: 1/28/1999 — — The nation’s largest trout and salmon conservation group today praised the Clinton Administration’s proposal to invest $100 million in restoration efforts for coastal

Karmik Outdoors

At Karmik Outdoors, we understand how it feels to lose expensive and sentimental outdoor gear and we believe that outdoorsmen and women should be equipped to take on their next outdoor adventure. To test our lost and found decals we ‘lost’ our own personal gear around our home waters and public lands. What’s cool is

A memorial for a giant

Published in Conservation

A few weeks ago, the Michigan Council of Trout Unlimited and other partners met in Lovells, Michigan to dedicate a memorial to Art Neumann, the last surviving founder of Trout Unlimited who passed away last year. It was a great day, and Art’s kids—TU members in good standing—attended the dedication, and wanted me to pass

The future offers hope

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Jake Marshall, whose Dad helped to organize TroutFest, a huge TU event in Texas that raises a lot of money for youth education through the Tomorrow Fund, said he was there “to help conserve our water s.” Laurel Smith, a graduate of the amazing Georgia Trout Camp, said she was there “to

Decades-long effort to fully fund conservation priorities finally realized

With outdoor participation skyrocketing, dollars for access, habitat and maintenance crucial  For immediate release  July 22, 2020  Contact: Shauna Stephenson Trout Unlimited (307) 757-7861,  (July 22, 2020) WASHINGTON D.C. — Landmark conservation legislation that includes full and permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and dedicated funding for the maintenance backlog on public lands passed the House today, making its next stop the President’s

TU’s annual Teen Summit goes full Michigan

Published in Uncategorized

By Tara Granke On July 15, 1959, Trout Unlimited was founded in Grayling, Mich. Nearly 60 years later, 30 of TU’s rising leaders traveled there from all over the country to attend a five-day leadership event called the TU Teen Summit. You could say we were returning to our roots. Just as they have for

Voices from the River: Road trip

Published in Travel, Voices from the river

By Chris Hunt As I write this, I’m tucked into a cabin in Island Park, Idaho. We were chased off the lower Hen ry’s Fork yesterday by high water, but found some willing browns in the nearby Warm River, a spring creek that runs generally clear, even after a spring snowstorm that hit the area

Palmer and Chuck and the importance of giving back

Published in From the President

Back in 2019, I had a holiday party at my home where I introduced my friend, Jim Greene, the founder of Water Wisp Flies to Mason and Palmer of Flies by Two Brothers. Jim died from COVID-19 in the Fall. The spring before he passed, we met to fish the Potomac shad run

2017 TU Teen Summit Headed to TU’s Birthplace!

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by Franklin Tate, Headwaters Youth Program Director The sixth annual TU Teen Summit will be held on the TU “Holy Waters” of the Au Sable in June 2017, with twenty five teen leaders from around the country converging for four days of planning, learning, fishing, and fun. TU’s Headwaters youth staff and their merry band

TU RIVERS app inspires kids to clean up their local creek

Published in Community, Youth

By Jamie Vaughan In Michigan, Trout Unlimited’s RIVERS App prompted a group of kids to join together to clean up their local creek.   In August, Trout Unlimited staff had the opportunity to present the RIVERS App to educators in Michigan as part of the Groundswell Summer Institute, which introduces teachers to new resources and tools for place-based education.  After learning about this new tool, Michigan educator Andrea Dudley went

Voices from the River: Pondering gratitude

Published in Voices from the river

We’ll always have to fight for our public lands, but we should be grateful we have them in the first place. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Scott Willoughby It has been said that the hardest math to master is the ability to count our blessings. Funny enough, I’ve never been particularly good at math. That’s

Collaborative project over 10 years in the making will remove final impediment to native fish migration in Spread Creek 

Contacts: C.J. Adams, Grand Teton National Park, 307.739.3431,; Leslie Steen, NW Wyoming Program Director, Trout Unlimited, 307.699.1022,; Mary Cernicek, Bridger-Teton National Forest, 307.739.5564,; Mark Gocke, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, 307.249.5811, For Immediate ReleaseNovember 12, 2021 Collaborative project over 10 years in the making will remove final impediment to native fish migration in Spread Creek 

Striving to learn more about steelhead

Published in Science

Alaska TU chapters expand knowledge of steelhead on Kenai Peninsula There are many reasons steelhead, that coveted and often illusive quarry, have captured the imaginations of anglers for so long. Perhaps it’s their large size and the almost inconceivable power they exhibit as they bolt upstream, melting line from your reel in unimagined fury. Perhaps

Trout Unlimited Issues First-Ever Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund grants

Contact:Erin Mooney, Trout Unlimited, (215) 557-2845, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Issues First-Ever Coldwater Grants awarded by conservation group support land protection projects throughout Chesapeake Bay watershed. WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited issued its first-ever Coldwater Land Conservancy Fund grants to land trusts seeking to acquire land and conservation easements that protect native trout habitat

Voices from the River: Connecting kids with conservation

Published in Voices from the river

Trout in the Classroom students in New York prepare to release fish they raised into the wild. Trout Unlimited photo. By Brett Prettyman Talking to people about Trout in the Classroom is one of my favorite parts of my job with Trout Unlimited. During the SHIFT conference in Jackson, Wyo., last week I was excited

Mossy Creek Fly Fishing: Grand Re-opening

Published in Uncategorized

Maybe you’re already planning to attend the Trout Unlimited Annual Meeting in Roanoke, Va., next week. You should be – it’s going to be great. Maybe you’re planning to arrive a little early and do some fishing. Good idea! While you’re there, you must – repeat, MUST – visit Mossy Creek Fly Fishing in Harrisonburg,