Search results for “tomorrow fund”

Together we can all fly

Published in Uncategorized

TU Teen Devin Brandes, pictured above in blue, shares his story of how he successfully began a day camp for kids called the Rocky Point Fly Fishing Camp. Inspired by this experience, he built upon his success to start a volunteer program called You Can Fly that recruits young people from the Boys and Girls

American Rivers names Delaware its River of the Year

Published in Conservation

By Rob Shane  For those in the Mid-Atlantic, or for anyone who’s been trout fishing long enough to have a bucket list of rivers, you’re certainly familiar with the Delaware River. Aside from being the source of drinking water for more than 15 million people in two of the largest cities in the United States (New York and Philadelphia), it

Beer boost: Team effort improves habitat on Virginia’s Beaver Creek

Published in Conservation

By Mark Taylor  A team approach is helping improve trout habitat on a popular fishing stream near Harrisonburg, Va.  Trout Unlimited’s national staff partnered with the local TU chapter and a property owner to improve a section of Beaver Creek, a spring-fed stream that runs through private land but that is open to public fishing through a unique cooperative program.  The

TU-led partnership with historic railroad restores key salmon habitat on California north coast

For Immediate Release Contact:            Anna Halligan, Trout Unlimited                 , (707) 734-0112 Conservation partnership restores salmon habitat along Skunk Train railroad Trout Unlimited-led effort replaced old culverts blocking fish passage along the Skunk Train’s famed Redwood Route between Willits and Fort Bragg. December 15, 2020—FORT BRAGG, Calif. Trout Unlimited’s North Coast Coho Project announced today the

Trout in the Suburbs

Published in Conservation
Group of people wearing waders stands in a stream

Michigan habitat work transforms stream in southeast corner of the state into a trout haven for a big population center.

Reflecting on an honor named for a friend and fighter

Published in Advocacy

From time to time the landline would ring in the Moyer residence in the early 2000s and my wife Michelle would pick up the phone. A deep southern accent born of the hills of east Tennessee would exchange pleasant greetings with her, and then the request would come: “Darlin, we gotta get your boy workin’.

Trout Unlimited Applauds Court Ruling Upholding Maine Salmon Endangered Listing

4/25/2003 Trout Unlimited Applauds Court Ruling Upholding Maine Salmon Endangered Listing Trout Unlimited Applauds Court Ruling Upholding Maine Salmon Endangered Listing Calls on Baldacci administration to end four years of opposition and focus on recovery Contact: Jeff Reardon New England Conservation Director Trout Unlimited 207 623-1470 4/25/2003 — Augusta, ME — Augusta, Maine . .

Montana State Agencies and TU Agree to Expand Flows on the Bitterroot River

7/8/2004 Montana State Agencies and TU Agree to Expand Flows on the Bitterroot River Montana State Agencies and TU Agree to Expand Flows on the Bitterroot River A permanent commitment of 10,000 acre feet of water for the river will help to protect native trout populations Contact: Stan Bradshaw Counsel, Montana Water Project Trout Unlimited

New grant will help Van Duzen River coho, steelhead

Published in Uncategorized

Floodplain habitat connectivity improvement project site, Lawrence Creek TU’s North Coast Coho Project has been awarded a major grant to underwrite the first year of a three-year project to restore floodplain habitat connectivity in Lawrence Creek, a tributary to Yager Creek in the Van Duzen River drainage in Humboldt County, California. The Lawrence Creek Reconnection

Native Odyssey: Utah’s cutthroat slam

Published in Uncategorized, Travel

Bonneville cutthroat trout Editor’s note: TU’s Costa Five Rivers Native Odyssey team visited Utah recently on its trip across America. During our time in Utah, we sought four species of native cutthroat trout. Luckily for us, Utah has just the thing. The Utah Cutthroat Slam is a challenge that costs only $20 and is an

Cutthroat trout research project engages local elementary students in their home watershed

10/20/2008 Cutthroat trout research project engages local elementary students in their home watershed October 20th, 2008 Contact: Nelli Williams, Trout Unlimited Wyoming Coordinator 307-332-7700 x12 or WY Game and Fish Department, Lander Office 307.332.2688 CUTTHROAT TROUT RESEARCH PROJECT ENGAGES LOCAL ELEMENTARY STUDENTS IN THEIR HOME WATERSHED Dubois, Wyoming — This fall, Trout Unlimited, Wyoming

Trout Unlimited Hires North Platte River Project Manager

05/07/2009 Trout Unlimited Hires North Platte River Project Manager May 7, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Scott Yates, 307.332.7700, ext. 13 Jeff Streeter, 307.326.8239 Trout Unlimited Hires North Platte River Project Manager Trout Unlimited (TU) has hired long-time Saratoga resident and North Platte River guide Jeff Streeter to be their North Platte River Project Manager.

Clinton County Mine Stabilization Project Completed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Amy Wolfe (570)-748-4901 Clinton County Mine Stabilization Project Completed Project will prevent future abandoned mine blowout Lock Haven, Pa.Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Kettle Creek Watershed Association completed a mine pool stabilization project on an abandoned deep mine in western Clinton County, preventing a mine blowout that could have released millions

Trout Unlimited Provides Stream Surveillance Training to Pa. Members in Marcellus Shale Region

For Immediate Release: Contact: Deb Nardone, Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited (814) 359-5233 Trout Unlimited Provides Stream Surveillance Training to Pa. Members in Marcellus Shale Region Anglers will learn how to conduct water quality assessments. Pleasant Gap, Pa.– Trout Unlimited (TU) and its Pennsylvania Council have initiated a new program to train Pa. volunteers to

TU Announces Support for California Water Bond

August 12, 2014 Contact: Brian Johnson, California Director, (415) 385-0796Sam Davidson, Communications Director, California/Nevada, (831) 235-2542 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Supports California Water Bond Praises Governor Brown and legislative leaders for offering a bond that all of California can get behind, urges state legislature to finish work on the measure EMERYVILLE, Calif.Trout Unlimited (TU),