Search results for “tomorrow fund”

TU applauds passage of Klamath River bill by Senate committee

November 13, 2014 Contact: Keith Curley, Director of Government Affairs, (703) 399-9190, kcurley@tu.orgBrian Johnson, California Director, (415) 385-0796, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited commends Senate committee for passing Klamath River legislation, urges quick action by both houses of Congress S. 2379 will resolve long-standing water issues, ease drought impacts, and restore 400 miles of

Sportsmen back renewable energy bill

May 21, 2015 Contact: Brian Zupancic, government affairs manager, (703) 284-9427 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Anglers, hunters support bipartisan renewable energy bill WASHINGTON, D.C.A new bipartisan renewable energy bill has broad support within the sporting community because it includes royalty provisions for public lands renewable energy development that would help fund important conservation work. The bill

TU CEO says commitment to conservation critical for Interior nominee Zinke

Zinke has history of working with sportsmen and women on wide range of natural resource issues CONTACT: Corey Fisher (Dec. 14, 2016) Washington D.C. President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana to lead the Department of the Interior. If confirmed, Rep. Zinke would be in charge of managing hundreds of millions

Take action

Published in Conservation

By Chris Wood Last week, I published an opinion piece printed in the New York Times asking President Trump to stand up for clean water, and veto Congress’ bill to overturn restrictions on mountaintop removal mining. Unfortunately, that plea failed, as the President signed the misguided law today. Trout Unlimited, our members, and all hunters

‘Give Where You Fish’ in the Embrace A Stream Challenge

Published in Uncategorized, Conservation

THERE’S STILL TIME TO HELP LOCAL TU PROJECTS WIN A SHARE OF $25,000 FROM ORVIS The Embrace A Stream Challenge is in full swing and our local chapters have already raised more than $50,000 for 17 important local restoration projects. But they need your help to improve rivers across the country and unlock $25,000 in

Best beer … for the fish?

Published in Uncategorized

We had a pretty lively social media discussion on favorite fishing beers recently—most folks took it in the spirit for which it was intended. But how about what beers are actually best for the fish? Trout Unlimited is fortunate to partner with several breweries across the country—businesses that give a share of their profits to

Upper Animas River named top priority for cleanup

For immediate release Contact: Ty Churchwell (970) 903-3010 / Upper Animas River named top priority for cleanup Bonita Peak Mining District makes list of highest priority Superfund sites December 8, 2017 (Durango, Colo.) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that it would include the site of 2015 Gold King mine spill, plus 47

Unrelated Business Income Tax & State Sales Tax

One area where chapters and councils should exhibit caution is when considering the revenue derived from unrelated business, which may not be tax exempt and require filing of a 990-T with the IRS and payment of Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). This sale of goods and services may also have state sales and use tax

TU responds to news Utah may challenge public lands ownership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 21, 2018 Contact: Corey Fisher, Public Land Policy Director, Trout Unlimited, (406) 546-2979, Utah lawsuit could challenge public land ownership SALT LAKE CITYAccording to media reports, last week Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes told assembled members of the Utah Rural Caucus that he is preparing a lawsuit that could challenge

New York volunteers spearhead barrier removal projects

Published in Conservation

By Tracy Brown Trout Unlimited’s Columbia-Greene Chapter helped to remove two stream barriers in eastern New York, allowing native brook trout and other creek-dwelling creatures to access miles of cold water habitat. One of the projects involved removing an antiquated culvert on the Town of Chatham’s railroad bed, allowing Green Brook (above) to reestablish its

TU works with towns in NY to improve habitat, bolster flood resiliency 

Published in Conservation

By Tracy Brown  Trout Unlimited uses many strategies to improve trout habitat. Around the country, Trout Unlimited is teaming up with local towns and partners to survey road stream crossings and identify priority culvert replacement projects that will benefit trout and improve flood resiliency.  In New York, TU is engaged with several towns in the Hudson River Estuary.  Towns

Bringing fish back to Yellowjacket Creek

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

The Russian River is one of the most famous steelhead fisheries in California. It is also one of the highest priority watersheds for Coho salmon recovery in the Golden State. For many years, TU has worked to support Coho recovery in the Russian River watershed. Our Redwood Empire Chapter has supported this effort through a


The RIVERS mobile application is a convenient way for Trout Unlimited chapters to collect data on and map disturbances on their home waters while fishing or conducting a watershed inventory. This basic information is stored online and can be queried later on your phone or desktop computer to prioritize conservation projects, including having potential projects

Grassroots partnerships key trout wins in Wisconsin

Published in Conservation, Community

By Chris Collier I think it’s fair to say that every person who gets involved with Trout Unlimited quickly learns that the organization has become what it is today because of its commitment to being a grassroots organization. This local-level focus leads to strong partnerships and a connection to projects important to communities and native

Redd surveys shaping priorities in Michigan’s Pere Marquette

Published in Science, Community, Fishing, steelhead, TROUT Magazine

By Jake Lemon  Michigan’s Pere Marquette River offers anglers unique year-round opportunities to fish for a diverse array of salmonid species, including brook trout, brown trout, steelhead, and coho and chinook salmon.   Despite healthy overall conditions on the river — a federally designated Wild and Scenic River and a state-designated Natural River and Blue Ribbon Trout Stream — there are opportunities to improve its ecological condition through restoration

Querencia: A love of place

In 2011, when I was still president of New Mexico’s Santa Fe (Truchas) Chapter, I was approached by Nick Streit, president of the Taos (Enchanted Circle) Chapter and owner of the Taos Fly Shop, about restoring a section of the Red River in Questa. The Red had been a workhorse for several decades, impacted by

Trail workshops building a pathway forward

Published in Community

By Jamie Vaughan and Nick Sanchez With much of the world on hold, many of us may be looking to find new footing. Now is a good time to appreciate places where that path in front of us is a little bit better than it was before, like a newly built section of trail.  This

Better late than never for TU intern team in Wisconsin

Published in Conservation

By Chris Collier  A pair of college interns are helping Trout Unlimited collect field data and prioritize restoration projects for brook trout in Wisconsin’s Northwoods.  Interns play an important role for TU during the summer, but the program in the Great Lakes and beyond was in doubt earlier this spring.  In mid-March, TU’s field programs had to freeze the hiring process