Search results for “tomorrow fund”

House Natural Resources Committee Advances Bill to Save LWCF

September 13, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Corey Fisher / (406) 546-2979 House Natural Resources Committee Advances Bill to Save LWCF Land and Water Conservation Fund expires September 30 WASHINGTON, D.C. Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources approved a compromise that would permanently authorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), ensure equity

Public land funding up for a crucial vote

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This week the United States Senate will consider the S. 3422, the Great American Outdoors Act, which includes provisions to provide full, dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and also provide $9.5 billion in funding to address the deferred maintenance backlog on public lands.

In the East and Midwest, LWCF benefits those who love the outdoors

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Take action to #SaveLWCF By David Kinney and Taylor Ridderbusch In 2016, sportsmen and women in Maine celebrated the successful end of a seven-year project to preserve an 8,159-acre parcel known as Cold Stream Forest (above). It was a step that protected a 14-mile native brook trout stream and seven ponds. “Cold Stream is one

Legislation for Cleaning Up Abandoned Coal Mines

Take Action Critical restoration funding and partnerships Across the country, streams and rivers by the thousands have been left for dead by abandoned coal mine pollution. Cleaning them up is a big job requiring critical restoration funding and partnerships. Cleanup Estimates 14.4 Million Estimated number of hazardous abandoned mine land sites. $11.4 Billion Estimated cost to clean up abandoned coal mines. The official estimate does not

Land Trust Partnerships

Trout Unlimited has a long history of collaborating with land trusts to conserve coldwater fisheries. Because we are not a land trust and do not have the specific mission of protecting and holding land, we work with partners in the land trust world to carry out this highly technical work. Trout Unlimited brings a variety

Childs Brook New Hampshire: A project worth the wait

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Childs Brook, a tributary of the Ammonoosuc River remains challenged by a series of barriers to fish migration on its path to the Connecticut River. However, a major stride for watershed connectivity has been established by recent completion of a culvert replacement project where West Bath Road crosses the stream.  A priority list of culverts

Senators' Funding for Maine Atlantic Salmon A Big Step in the Right Direction

5/10/2000 Senators’ Funding for Maine Atlantic Salmon A Big Step in the Right Direction Senators’ Funding for Maine Atlantic Salmon A Big Step in the Right Direction Contact: 5/10/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Reardon, New England Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited: (207) 882-4791 May 10, 2000. Camden, Maine…Trout Unlimited (TU) applauded U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe and

Memberships & Giving

Engage with Trout Unlimited at the level you choose. Signal your commitment to preserving extraordinary places and rich experiences for future generations to enjoy. Our supporters make us stronger, ensuring we have the financial resources and engaged advocates across the country to increase our impact every year.  Become a member Our members provide TU with

TU lauds legislation to address abandoned mine lands

March 10, 2021  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contacts:  Jen Orr-Greene, Eastern Policy Director, Trout Unlimited,  Steve Moyer, VP for Government Affairs, Trout Unlimited,  ARLINGTON, Va. — Trout Unlimited enthusiastically supports bipartisan legislation that will reauthorize the Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Trust Fund and will accelerate its investments in former coal communities across the country.  TU is urging

California sportsmen to Congress: reauthorize LWCF

tu-logo-xl.jpg September 17, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Corey Fisher / (406) 546-2979 Sam Davidson / (831) 235-2542 Sportsmens groups urge California congressional delegation to save the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program vital for habitat conservation and sporting access, expires September 30 TRUCKEE, Calif.Forty-three sportsmens organizations and businesses have signed and submitted

As Colorado Legislature kicks off, here are bills we’re watching

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Trout Unlimited is known for its rock-rolling work where we are often found wearing waders and making rivers and streams better for trout and salmon, and of course, anglers. But we also spend plenty of time in our finest attire in the halls of state and federal legislative buildings advocating for smart water policies, protecting public lands and funding allocations to

Voices from the River: The swimmin’ hole

Published in Voices from the river

A fat and happy Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout. By Chris Hunt Two summers ago, as I walked along a small alpine creek in the Caribou Range here in eastern Idaho, I spied what may rightly be called the sexiest stretch of trout water I’ve ever seen. The stream—by itself a modest flow—pushes down a

What’s in the Omnibus?

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By Kate Miller Nearly halfway through fiscal year 2018, Congress finally approved an appropriations bill to fund government ag encies for the remainder of the year. Last week, President Trump signed the bill into law, bringing to a close months of tense negotiations, two government shutdowns, five continuing resolutions and lots of high drama and

TU awarded $750K for projects in Upper Delaware

Published in Conservation

Trout Unlimited has received three federal grant awards totaling nearly $750,000 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for stream protection and restoration projects in the upper Delaware River watershed.   These grant awards support the conservation goals of the Delaware River Basin Conservation Act, administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in partnership with NFWF. Thanks to

Big year for New England culvert team

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By Colin Lawson The New England Culvert Program had a very successful 2016 field season completing over 10 restoration projects across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Our team of three full-time and eight seasonal staff reconnected more than 17 miles of u pstream brook trout habitat, assessed over 1,800 road stream crossings for AOP and

Trump Administration budget ignores Americans’ desire for clean air, water

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Volunteers assist TU staff on a riparian corridor planting project in the upper Potomac River watershed in West Virginia. Elimination of funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program, as proposed in President Trump’s FY2018 budget, would devastate stream restoration efforts that are helping to improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay. The proposed FY 2018 budget