Search results for “upper rio grande”

Management matters

Published in Advocacy, Conservation, Fishing

By Garrett Hanks Wolf Creek pass in the San Juan mountains of Colorado serves as the tipping point between the westward San Juan basin, home to the recently rediscovered San Juan cutthroat trout, and the Rio Grande cutthroat’s namesake river to the east.  Unlike trout, bear, mule deer and other wildlife are unhindered by the ridgeline; their tracks freely cross the divide. Look north and you’ll notice the burn scar from the West Fork fire of 2013. Setting off south along the Continental Divide Trail, you quickly

Native Odyssey: The Valle Vidal

Published in Uncategorized

Located in Northern New Mexico’s Sangre de Cristo Mountains in the Upper Rio Grande River Basin, Valle Vidal lies within the Carson National Forest. Meandering its way through Valle Vidal, Comanche Creek is one of the last refuges for Rio Grande cutthroat trout in the state of New Mexico. TU’s extensive Commanche Creek project addresses

Querencia: A love of place

In 2011, when I was still president of New Mexico’s Santa Fe (Truchas) Chapter, I was approached by Nick Streit, president of the Taos (Enchanted Circle) Chapter and owner of the Taos Fly Shop, about restoring a section of the Red River in Questa. The Red had been a workhorse for several decades, impacted by


Thirty years ago nobody even knew what Questa was. Not today. You’ll see people from all over when you’re out elk hunting. George and Lori, Outfitters and business owners in Questa “It’s more of a spiritual accomplishment for me to go down to the Rio Grande and find a Rio Grande cutthroat. To know that

Voices from the River: Rio Grande otters

Published in Voices from the river

Photo courtesy of Nick Streit By Toner Mitchell While binge fishing the Rio Grande gorge last week, I saw my first two otters in New Mexico. Regarding the second, I’d yet to take my first cast when a long, chocolate movement caught the corner of my eye and drew my attention to the animal waddling

A Native Odyssey – Hoofing it for Rio Grande cutthroat

Published in Uncategorized

Editor’s Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 18 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our

Rio Grande del Norte at One Year

Published in Uncategorized

On the morning I heard that President Obama designated the Rio Grande del Norte as a national monument, I had joined about forty people for the annual stocking of Rio Grande cutthroat fingerlings – New Mexico’s state fish – in the Rio Grande gorge. My compatriots hadn’t yet heard the great news, and it was

Scientists warn of climate threats to Southwest native trout

Apache trout FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 1, 2015 Contact: Randy Scholfield,, 720-375-3961 Jack Williams,, 541-261-3960 Scientists warn of climate threats to Southwest native trout Trout Unlimited launches SWNatives campaign to save Americas most imperiled trout (Phoenix)Scientists from conservation groups such as Trout Unlimited and federal and state wildlife agencies gathered in Phoenix last

Trout Unlimited receives $80,000 from LOR Foundation for Rio Grande Community Initiative

Grant helps TU and Questa restore Red River, revitalize outdoors economy (Questa, NM)Trout Unlimited announced today that it has received an $80,000 grant from the LOR Foundation for its Upper Rio Grande Community Initiative, a program focused on revitalizing Questa and other rural New Mexican communities by restoring the land and water upon which they

Enchanted Circle Chapter

Enchanted Circle Trout Unlimited (ECTU) is a diverse group of fishing enthusiasts, outdoors people, and conservationists bound together by our shared appreciation of cold water fisheries and the wild trout and native trout that inhabit them. Our Mission is to bring together diverse interests to care for and protect the rivers and streams of Northern

Colorado River Basin and Greater Southwest

STATE OF THE BASIN For far too long, the Colorado River has been overused and overworked. Despite this year’s epic winter, the system’s largest reservoirs are still less than a third full, while the Basin faces threats to its environmental, economic, and cultural values. With so much at stake for the future of the Colorado

Being more than ‘a trout guy’

Published in Travel

“New Mexicans have been here on this land for more than 400 years,” Mitchell said. “You can’t come in with a ‘trout guy’ perspective. These are age old relationships that we have to foster and work together with to build trust.”

New Mexican National Monument a Win for Sportsmen

Contact:Garrett VeneKlasen, (505) 670-2925Shauna Sherard, (307) 757-7861 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: New Mexican National Monument a Win for Sportsmen Designation will protect more than 60 miles of iconic river Washington D.C. After years of collaboration, the Rio Grande del Norte, a place close to New Mexican sportsmen’s hearts, will be protected as a national monument. The

New Mexico Sportsmen Support Wilderness Protections in Rio Grande del Norte National Monument

May 16, 2013 For more information, contact: Max Trujillo, New Mexico Wildlife Federation, (505) 617-1851 Toner Mitchell, Trout Unlimited, (505) 231-8860 Oscar Simpson, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, (505) 345-0117 For immediate release New Mexico Sportsmen Support Wilderness Protections in Rio Grande del Norte National Monument New Mexico hunters and anglers applaud action in the U.S.

Working to keep the Rio Grande cutthroat trout off the Endangered Species List

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

Extensive efforts in southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico to restore habitat for the Rio Grande cutthroat trout (RGCT) have been underway since at least 2003. State agencies, tribes, federal agencies and Trout Unlimited have cooperated to bring this species back to more of its historic range, applying expert knowledge and considerable experience to restore this important native species, which is also the state