Search results for “watershed”

Harry White Appointed Naugatuck River Steward

3/22/2001 Harry White Appointed Naugatuck River Steward Harry White Appointed Naugatuck River Steward Contact: 3/22/2001 — — On March 1, 2001, the Naugatuck Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited appointed Harry White (MF ’00 Yale) to the position of Naugatuck River Steward. White is a Yale-trained ecologist with extensive academic and practical experience in natural areas

Citizen scientists sought for Virginia stream temp study

Published in Uncategorized

By Jake Lemon Trout Unlimited is seeking volunteers to help with a program to monitor stream temperatures in the headwaters of the Shenandoah River. TU recently received a $10,000 grant from Virginia Environmental Endowments to engage citizen scientists in the study, which will be conducted in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey. This study will

Trout Unlimited Thanks Departing Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau 

Contacts:  Arlington, VA – The U.S. Department of Interior announced today that Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau is stepping down at the end of the month after a combined 10 years at the agency, including the last two as deputy secretary, where he oversaw initiatives including protecting over 13 million acres of public land in Alaska,

Stand up for the Clean Water Act

CLEAN WATER AND HEALTHY FISHERIES The Waters of the U.S. Rule under the Clean Water Act protects small streams, headwaters, and wetlands that are critical to a healthy and functioning water system. But the Supreme Court sharply limited its applicability to adjacent wetlands. This ruling lacks common sense: If we pollute upstream, we put downstream

Bringing back the natives

Published in Uncategorized Westslope cutthroat trout Native trout in our country face a daunting variety of threats, including climate change, drought, invasive species and degraded habitat. Across the country, Trout Unlimited staff are working on the ground to give them a fighting chance—and those efforts were recognized recently when several TU projects received prestigious Bring Back the

Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources

4/12/2000 Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources Trout Unlimited Volunteers Anxious to Increase Habitat Recovery Resources Fishable Waters Act of 2000 Introduced in Congress Today Contact: 4/12/2000 — — Contacts: Maggie Lockwood (703)284-9425 Steve Moyer (703) 284-9406 Washington, D.C. April 12, 2000 (Washington, DC) – Trout Unlimited, the nation’s leading coldwater conservation

Public support strong for proposed hydraulic fracturing regs in Delaware basin

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This hydraulic fracturing well pad is located on a state forest in Eastern Pennsylvania. By David Kinney In the four months since the Delaware River Basin Commission issued proposed regulations covering hydraulic fracturing, thousands of people have come forward to speak at public hearings and in written comments about the importance of protecting natural resources

TU testifies in Congress in support of salmon strongholds bill

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Trout Unlimited has many on staff and among its volunteer-members who are expert in policy issues related to trout and salmon conservation. Matt Clifford, attorney for TU’s California Water Project, is one. Clifford testified today at a hearing held by the Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee of the House Natural resources Committee, in support of

Grand Valley Anglers

Grand Valley Anglers was started over 30 years ago and with over 300 members we are the largest chapter of Trout Unlimited and the Federation of Fly Fishers in western Colorado.   Our mission is to PRESERVE, PROTECT, and RESTORE cold water resources and their watersheds, and to educate the public about this mission. To fulfill this mission, we engage in

Deming Creek restoration benefits Klamath bull trout, redband

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The new confluence of Deming Creek and the South Fork Sprague River. By Chrysten Lambert Trout Unlimited, in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service Parnter’s Program completed a substantial habitat reconnection project on the South Fork Sprague River, the headwaters of the iconic Klamath River. The project involved restoring the Deming Creek tributary

Trout Unlimited Calls White River National Forest Flow Protection Plan "Misguided"

Trout Unlimited Calls White River National Forest Flow Protection Plan “Misguided” Trout Unlimited Calls White River National Forest Flow Protection Plan Misguided Contact: Melinda Kassen Director, Colorado Water Project TU 303/440-2937 x. 11 6/4/2002 — Denver, Colo. — Trout Unlimited (TU) says that key parts of a new Forest Service management plan for the White

With roadblocks comes opportunity in Arizona

Published in Conservation, Advocacy, From the field, Restoration

With massive projects like the proposed forest and watershed restoration efforts in Arizona come massive roadblocks. But roadblocks won’t deter Arizona Trout Unlimited from accomplishing its critical goals of forest and, therefore, watershed restoration. If you’ll recall in our first blog post in this series, AZTU has been at the table urging forest restoration initiatives through the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI) to enhance watershed health

No Room for Mistakes on New York’s Upper Delaware River

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National Park Service photo. By Chris Wood and Jeff Skelding It could have been far worse. The Up per Delaware River dodged a bullet last week when heavy rains and flooding washed out a railroad culvert, and a 63-car train carrying an assortment of waste materials, some of it toxic, derailed near Deposit, N.Y. Two

‘Trout Uber’ to the rescue during coronavirus classroom closures in NYC

Published in Youth, Conservation

“When school closed, students expressed concern for the wellbeing of their trout. They were extremely disappointed when they realized that we would not be taking our trip up to Ward Pound Ridge to release them. They had been looking forward to this trip. So were the other 4th grade teachers. It is always the highlight trip of the year. They were very excited on Earth Day to watch the video of the release that you sent us. That made them proud. And there was an overall feeling of relief that they had been safely introduced into their natural habitat. Thank You!!!!” – Ms. Sims, PS 84, Brooklyn