Search results for “watershed”

Simms and Trout Unlimited Unite to Protect and Preserve Montana’s Gallatin River

Dec. 1, 2020 For Immediate Release                                                                                                                        Contact: Andrew Gerrie, Backbone Media,, 970-963-4873, ext. 13 John Frazier, Simms,, 406-551-5298 Brett Prettyman, Trout Unlimited,, 801-209-5320 BOZEMAN, Mont. (Dec. 1, 2020) – Simms Fishing Products announced today a multi-year partnership with conservation group and non-profit Trout Unlimited (TU). The partnership will focus on TU’s Home Rivers

Pennsylvanias Slate Run recognized in 10 special places report

Dec. 3, 2014   Contact:   Katy Dunlap, Trout Unlimited Eastern Water Project Director, 607-742-3331 Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited Eastern Communications Director, 540-353-3556 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pennsylvania’s Slate Run recognized in 10 ‘special places’ report Exceptional freestone trout stream is a legendary trout fishing destination. WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trout Unlimited is featuring Pennsylvania’s Slate Run in a

TU welcomes new EPA Clean Power Rule

WASHINGTONTrout Unlimited welcomed today EPAs Clean Power Plan as an important step for substantially lowering greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants, the largest source of climate change-causing emissions. No one knows the adverse impacts of climate change better than sportsmen and women who cherish the nations coldwater fisheries. Trout and salmon need cold, clean

Abandoned Mine Reclamation

Abandoned mines are a problem – a big problem. Today, there are some 500,000 abandoned mines across America. Many of these chronically leak heavy metals and other toxic residues into streams and groundwater. In the western U.S., 33,000 abandoned mine sites have degraded the environment, including popular trout streams such as the Animas River in

Southwest Colorado leaders visit D.C. to push for Superfund funding

June 16, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Ty Churchwell,, 970-903-3010 Randy Scholfield, TU communications,, 720-375-3961 San Juan and La Plata County officials say the Animas River cleanup depends on EPA priority and funding (Washington, D.C.) In the wake of the Trump administrations proposed deep cuts to EPA funding, Southwest Colorado leaders flew to

Carrying your voice in Washington

Published in Advocacy

Trustees launch the Trout Unlimited conservation agenda in the halls of Congress  With a new Congress convened and members sworn in, Trout Unlimited is carrying your voice to Washington to stand up for healthy trout and salmon, clean rivers and streams and protected public lands.   First to walk the halls this year: members of TU’s

Legislation for Cleaning Up Abandoned Coal Mines

Take Action Critical restoration funding and partnerships Across the country, streams and rivers by the thousands have been left for dead by abandoned coal mine pollution. Cleaning them up is a big job requiring critical restoration funding and partnerships. Cleanup Estimates 14.4 Million Estimated number of hazardous abandoned mine land sites. $11.4 Billion Estimated cost to clean up abandoned coal mines. The official estimate does not

Keystone Fund helps Pennsylvania’s famous Brodhead Creek

Published in From the field

Trout Unlimited has partnered with the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership on a series of videos highlighting a few of the projects powered by this critical source of conservation funding. For more information on the Keystone Fund, you can visit:

TU RIVERS app inspires kids to clean up their local creek

Published in Community, Youth

By Jamie Vaughan In Michigan, Trout Unlimited’s RIVERS App prompted a group of kids to join together to clean up their local creek.   In August, Trout Unlimited staff had the opportunity to present the RIVERS App to educators in Michigan as part of the Groundswell Summer Institute, which introduces teachers to new resources and tools for place-based education.  After learning about this new tool, Michigan educator Andrea Dudley went

Cape Cod

Cape Cod Chapter is part of the Massachusetts Council. Our mission is To preserve and protect the coldwater fisheries, the watersheds, and the related diverse habitat on Cape Cod in the present and for future generations. Our vision is that by the next generation, we will ensure that robust populations of native and wild coldwater

Trout Unlimited lauds House passage of Farm Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 29, 2014 Contact: Russ Schnitzer: (307) 438-1365 Steve Moyer: (703) 284-9406 Trout Unlimited applauds House passage of Farm Bill Conference Report WASHINGTON, D.C. Trout Unlimited congratulated the House today for voting to reauthorize the Farm Bill and helping to keep trout and salmon resource conservation efforts in place across the nation.

Great Lakes Stream Restoration-Wisconsin

A majority of Wisconsin’s 115 fish species, including native brook trout, need to move throughout a watershed seasonally or at varying stages in their lifecycle to feed, find cooler water, avoid predators and reach spawning habitat. Research conducted in the early 1990s in Northern Wisconsin documented the seasonal movement of trout. When water temperatures reached

RIVERS app helps anglers gather stream info

Published in Science, Community

By Jake Lemon In October, Trout Unlimited volunteer Mike Smalligan went for a scenic paddle down Michigan’s White River. Mike was out to enjoy a brisk fall day on the river, and to inventory disturbances in the watershed using TU’s new RIVERS app. This inventory, a partnership between TU and the White River Watershed Partnership,

Colorado River Basin and Greater Southwest

STATE OF THE BASIN For far too long, the Colorado River has been overused and overworked. Despite this year’s epic winter, the system’s largest reservoirs are still less than a third full, while the Basin faces threats to its environmental, economic, and cultural values. With so much at stake for the future of the Colorado

Bush Administration Should Mark Anniversary Of Roadless Policy By Keeping Its Promises

Bush Administration Should Mark Anniversary Of Roadless Policy By Keeping Its Promises Bush Administration Should Mark Anniversary Of Roadless Policy By Keeping Its Promises Contact: Steve Moyer Vice President for Conservation Programs Trout Unlimited 703/ 284-9406 1/10/2002 — Arlington, VA — On the anniversary of the establishment of a sound national policy for protecting roadless

New Forest Service Roadless Policy Headed Down the Right Road

11/14/2000 New Forest Service Roadless Policy Headed Down the Right Road New Forest Service Roadless Policy Headed Down the Right Road Contact: 11/14/2000 — — Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs, Trout Unlimited: (703) 284-9406 Arlington, VA. . .Trout Unlimited applauded the U.S. Forest Service for establishing new policies to improve protection of

Russian River Receives Major National Grant to Benefit Endangered Coho Salmon

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Matthew Deitch, Center for Ecosystem Mngmt&Restoration, 510-420-4565 x106, Brock Dolman, Occidental Arts&Ecology Center, 707-874-1557 x206, Kara Heckert, Sotoyome Resource Conservation Dist., 707-569-1448 x104, Lisa Hulette, Gold Ridge Resource Conservation Dist., 707-874-2907, Mary Ann King, Trout Unlimited, 510-649-9987, Mariska Obedzinski, Univ. of CA Cooperative Extension, 707-565-2621,

Habitat Diversity

The Goose Creek basin in Idaho contains the western-most Yellowstone cutthroat populations in the Snake River drainage.  TU has worked in the basin with the Bureau of Land Management and other partners to evaluate linkages between habitat diversity, coldwater fisheries, and a rare minnow and implement restoration activities to improve habitat conditions. Resources The Goose

Wine Industry Leaders and Trout Unlimited Announce "Water and Wine" Program to Enhance Stream Flow and Improve Water Supply Reliability in Sonoma County

03/19/2008 Wine Industry Leaders and Trout Unlimited Announce Water and Wine Program to Enhance Stream Flow and Improve Water Supply Reliability in Sonoma County March 19, 2008 Contact: Brian J. Johnson, Trout Unlimited, 415-385-0796, Duff Bevill, Sonoma County Winegrape Commission, 707-529-7349, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wine Industry Leaders and Trout Unlimited Announce Water and

Workshop to be Critical Stepin Better North Coast Water Management

03/15/2005 Workshop to be Critical Step in Better North Coast Water Management SACRAMENTO – A workshop to be held Thursday, March 17, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. in the Joe Serna, Jr. (Cal EPA) Building (1001 I Street) Sierra Hearing Room will mark a significant step toward consistent management and wise use of northern California’s water