Search results for “watershed”

Bringing back the upper Animas

Published in From the field

Seven years after the Gold King spill, a $90 million settlement agreement sets the watershed on the course for recovery. Ty Churchwell explains why it matters.

The Headwaters Pacific NW Program

Just over 10 years ago we launched a new Deschutes Education program along the wild and scenic Crooked River, with student field trips connected to our conservation goals and projects. Over the past years, we have worked with students from 9 distinct communities, and provided field trips to 4 local watersheds. Students have supported and

New books by Trout Unlimited scientists

Published in Science, Community, Conservation, TROUT Magazine
The cover of Trout and Char of the World.

Trout Unlimited staffers consistently contribute important articles to a number of scientific papers and journals. We are also proud to share two books recently published by the American Fisheries Society. “Trout and Char of the World” is the first comprehensive look at trout and char taxonomy, life history, conservation status, and management across the globe.

Mill Creek Dam Fish Passage Project

The Mill Creek Dam Fish Passage Project dramatically improves access for native coho salmon and steelhead to more than eleven miles of high quality spawning and rearing habitat in a key tributary to California’s Russian River. TU and a variety of partners completed construction on this project in October 2016. Adult coho salmons returns in the Russian

Trout Unlimited Announces Policy Statement on Truckee River Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Recovery

5/23/2000 Trout Unlimited Announces Policy Statement on Truckee River Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Recovery Trout Unlimited Announces Policy Statement on Truckee River Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Recovery Contact: 5/23/2000 — — Contacts: David Bobzien, President, Trout Unlimited’s Sagebrush Chapter, Reno: (775) 324-6216 Steve Trafton, Trout Unlimited’s California Policy Coordinator: (510) 528-4772 May 23, 2000. Reno, NevadaTrout Unlimited,

Trout Unlimited Celebrates Rangeley Settlement

7/28/1999 Trout Unlimited Celebrates Rangeley Settlement Trout Unlimited Celebrates Rangeley Settlement Deal Boosts Flows For World Class Brook Trout Fishery, Contact: 7/28/1999 — — Rangeley Lakes, Maine July 29, 1999 Trout Unlimited joined several conservation groups, state and federal agencies, Maine Governor Angus King and others in celebrating a final settlement governing the operation of

Trout Unlimited launches new film, video channel for California Streamflow program

tu-logo-xl.jpg FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Ann King, Stewardship Manager, California Water Project, 510-507-0097 20 September 2016 Trout Unlimited releases new film on steelhead restoration in Pescadero Creek, California Also launches new channel for California Streamflow video series Trout Unlimited (TU) today released the latest film in a series of short video documentaries about

DEP, Trout Unlimited Help Restore Trout Habitat

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DEP, Trout Unlimited Help Restore Trout Habitat Plantings Along Banks of Horton Brook to Improve Ecology at Key Spawning Area Environmental Protection Commissioner Cas Holloway and Trout Unlimited Director of Land Protection Nat Gillespie today announced the restoration of a key section of Horton Brook which is a known critical spawning area

Climate Change Testimony

Chris Wood, TU’s Chief Operating Officer, testified on Wednesday, November 18 at a hearing of the U.S. Senate Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. The hearing was held to discuss the Administrations response to climate change as it pertains to management of federal forest land. His testimony is

Reps. DeFazio and Huffman, champions for SW Oregon rivers

Published in Uncategorized

U.S. Reps. Peter DeFazio (Oregon) and Jared Huffman (California) today sent a letter to the House Committee on Natural Resources urging the committee to take immediate action to schedule a hearing for H.R. 310, The Southwestern Oregon Watershed and Salmon Protection Act. This bill would permanently protect salmon and steelhead strongholds on the southern Oregon

Gary Borger

Based in the northern suburbs of Chicago, the Gary Borger Chapter is focused on conserving, protecting and restoring the coldwater fisheries and their watersheds here in the Midwest.

The Michigan Arctic grayling

Published in Conservation, Fishing, TROUT Magazine, Video spotlight

Grayling are a tough fish to reintroduce to former habitat. For a long time, it was assumed that once the sailfish of the north winked out of a certain watershed, they were gone for good. Over the last 20 years, though, grayling reintroduction in Montana has shown promise. And, in just the last five years,

Conservation Funding: TU Letter to US House re: Agriculture Appropriations

Published in Uncategorized

Conservation Funding: Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Agricultue and related – urging strong support for Farm Bill programs in FY18 Appropriations process. 170627_TU_FY18_Ag_Approps_House_FNL.docx.pdf June 27, 2017 RE: Trout Unlimited strongly supports Farm Bill conservation program funding in your FY18 Appropriations bill. Dear Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Bishop, and Members of the

Clackamas River TU Steps Up for Their Home Waters

Published in Conservation, From the field

TU volunteers greatly expand their restoration work through new collaboration with state and federal partners Last summer, the Clackamas River TU chapter partnered with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and the US Forest Service to have a powerful, twin-engine helicopter place nearly 400 huge logs into Berry and Cub Creeks, two important

Citizen scientists sought for Virginia stream temp study

Published in Uncategorized

By Jake Lemon Trout Unlimited is seeking volunteers to help with a program to monitor stream temperatures in the headwaters of the Shenandoah River. TU recently received a $10,000 grant from Virginia Environmental Endowments to engage citizen scientists in the study, which will be conducted in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey. This study will