Search results for “watershed”

Conservation Funding: Interior and Related Trout Unlimited Letter to U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee for Interior, Environment and Related Agencies

Published in Uncategorized

170711_TU_FY18_IER_Approps_House_FNL.pdf July 11, 2017 RE: Interior, Environment, and Related: Proposed FY18 Budget Cuts. Dear Chairman Calvert, Ranking Member McCollum, and members of the Subcommittee: I am writing on behalf of Trout Unlimited (TU), regarding Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations for programs within your jurisdiction. These programs are of great interest to TU, and critical to the

Yankee Fork Fish Habitat Restoration Work Wrapping Up for 2020

For Immediate Release: Oct. 30, 2020 Winter snows have already made an appearance in the Yankee Fork Salmon River Watershed and project managers have finished construction work on the Bonanza Stream Restoration Project for the year. The project, which is located near the historic Bonanza town site, seeks to restore a portion of the Yankee Fork

Newsletter highlights TU’s work in New York in 2020

Published in Community

We all know that 2020 was far from a normal year. Despite the challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Trout Unlimited’s team in New York soldiered on. The team, which continues to grow, was able to accomplish many key projects in the field as well as to continue advocacy efforts. Below are a few of the highlights from 2020, as well as a look ahead to what’s on the horizon for 2021.

Video spotlight: Brook Trout Country

Published in Video spotlight

Our video post yesterday on an upcoming brook trout film got a lot of traction—it’s clear that I’m not the only guy out there who loves brookies, even if catching them here in the West means I’m catching a non-native fish that’s likely contributed to the decline of native cutthroat trout. Let’s be completely clear

Out of sight, out of mine?

An abandoned mine overlooks Lion Creek drainage near Empire, Colorado By Randy Scholfield We are bouncing along in four-wheel drive vehicles, high in the Clear Creek watershed west of Denver, overlooking beautiful forest vistas and steep hillsides laced with snowmelt creeks. We are here with a group of reporters to show them a dark secret

Public lands measures attached to defense bill ensure habitat protection, sporting opportunity

Dec. 4, 2014 Contact: Chris Wood, (571) 274-0601 Steve Moyer, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Public lands measures attached to defense bill ensure habitat protection, sporting opportunity Locally driven efforts to protect Hermosa Creek, Columbine-Hondo, Pine Forest Range, Valles Caldera near finish line WASHINGTON, D.C.In a major bipartisan breakthrough, the House voted today to approve

17 Eastern States Announce Coordinated Strategy for Brook Trout Conservation

3/7/2007 17 Eastern States Announce Coordinated Strategy for Brook Trout Conservation March 7, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Gary Berti, 828-318-5052 or Steve Perry, 603-271-1745 or 17 Eastern States Announce Coordinated Strategy for Brook Trout Conservation Unprecedented New Plan Sets Firm Targets for 2025 WASHINGTON The future of the Easts premier native trout

TU applauds Regional Conservation Partnership Program improvement bill

Published in Uncategorized

Oct. 17, 2017) WASHINGTON, DC – Trout Unlimited, its 300,000 members and supporters nationwide, and its dozens of staff members who work with farmers and ranchers daily, applaud the introduction of the Regional Conservation Partnership Program Improvement Act bill today. The bill is designed to make the Farm Bill’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program, (RCPP), one

Eastern Shale Gas Development

Over the past decade, energy companies have descended on the Mid-Atlantic to drill for gas in the Marcellus and Utica shales, which underlie parts of New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, and Maryland. These shale deposits have made the region a hotbed for hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” which involves injecting water, sand and chemicals

Everything you wanted to know: California golden trout

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California golden trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita) Species summary and status: The state fish of California, California golden trout once occupied about 450 miles of stream habitat in the upper South Fork Kern River and the adjacent Golden Trout Creek. Currently, the trout is native only to two high-altitude watersheds in California’s rugged Sierra Nevada Mountains. The

TU supports EPA plan to reduce carbon pollution

Sept. 20, 2013 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited Praises Environmental Protection Agencys Efforts to Reduce the Carbon Pollution that Contributes to Climate Change WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited today praised the Environmental Protection Agencys new plans to set performance standards intended to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from

Sharing paradise with grandkids on Earth Day

Published in Climate Change

“But mitigation alone won’t be enough. TU’s continued support of programs and policies geared towards carbon reduction and climate change mitigation will be critical in keeping our coldwater fisheries of today, coldwater fisheries of tomorrow. Our practice of using sound science in decision making has made us among the most respected environmental organization in the nation – when TU speaks, decision makers listen. We’ll need to continue to flex our voices.”

TU’s Maryland team meets with Congressional staffs to tout program’s successes

Published in Government Affairs, Advocacy, Conservation

Started in 2018, Trout Unlimited’s Western Maryland Initiative has been making progress improving habitat for native brook trout and other species — work that also benefits the health of the Chesapeake Bay.  Stable sources of funding are critical for the initiative’s success, which is why the program’s coordinator, Seth Moessinger recently joined other conservation organization representatives in Washington, D.C., to meet

Working to keep the Rio Grande cutthroat trout off the Endangered Species List

Published in Conservation, TROUT Magazine

Extensive efforts in southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico to restore habitat for the Rio Grande cutthroat trout (RGCT) have been underway since at least 2003. State agencies, tribes, federal agencies and Trout Unlimited have cooperated to bring this species back to more of its historic range, applying expert knowledge and considerable experience to restore this important native species, which is also the state

Think Tank: Fish are free and community scientists are needed

Published in Think Tank

This type of Community Science can be fun, help you learn more about different branches of science, and maybe lead to some interesting discoveries! And while TU’s Rivers App can be used to document any water body, there are other ways you engage in Community Science online from climate change data collection and measuring light pollution to observing fireflies. For other fun things to do check out Trout Unlimited’s Summer of Science.

Out of sight, out of mine

Published in Uncategorized

By Randy Scholfield We are bouncing along in four-wheel drive vehicles, high in the Clear Creek watershed west of Denv er, overlooking beautiful forest vistas and steep hillsides laced with snowmelt creeks. We are here with a group of reporters to show them a dark secret hidden in this backcountry. It’s hiding in plain sight.

Mabel Creek Coastal Cutthroat Project

Mabel Creek is in the Upper Youngs River, above 90-foot-tall Young River Falls, so the native coastal cutthroat trout populations above the falls persist largely undisturbed by decades of hatchery production focused on targeted anadromous fisheries downstream in Youngs Bay near Astoria. While located on private timber land, the Upper Youngs River area is open

Trout Unlimited to Host One-Fly Fishing Tournament on the Musconectcong River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brian Cowden (201) 230-3383 Trout Unlimited to Host One-Fly Fishing Tournament on the Musconectcong River Proceeds will fund TU’s restoration work on the river. Port Murray, N.J. – Trout Unlimited’s New Jersey Council will host the first annual One-Fly Fishing Tournament on the Musconetcong River on Saturday, October 9. The one-day