Search results for “watershed”

Conservation funding

Federal resource agencies — such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and others— provide essential services to protect, maintain and responsibly manage our public lands, waters, and fish and wildlife resources. Strong funding is essential to ensure that these agencies have staff and resources to manage parks, maintain trails and restore damaged habitat to

Sportsmen cheer reintroduction of Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation, and Working Forests Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sam Davidson, 831-235-2542 Rep. Jared Huffman and Sen. Kamala Harris champion legislation that will better protect and restore habitat and water quality in steelhead and salmon strongholds (April 10, 2019) HEALDSBURG, Calif—Trout Unlimited (TU) today praised the reintroduction of legislation from California Senator Kamala Harris and Representative Jared Huffman (an

Roadless areas provide special fishing destinations

Published in Conservation

By Christine Peterson Fly fishing keeps Heidi Lewis’ life in order. And fly fishing for her depends on roadless areas. The Wisconsin native moved to Utah more than 20 years ago for the outdoor recreation that has kept her there. She and her husband own a business now – an architecture steel company – and

TU helping to deploy Mayfly Sensor Stations

Published in Science, Community

By Jake Lemon  Scientists and anglers throughout the country rely on USGS gaging stations for real-time streamflow and water quality data. Often these stations are located near the mouth of larger rivers forcing data users to extrapolate to understand what is happing in smaller coldwater trout streams.  Now, rapidly emerging technologies in open-source electronics are allowing volunteer groups to collect valuable real-time

New effort in Congress to protect our small streams

Published in Advocacy, Government Affairs

I have spent some quality time in the state of Oregon, and I know a beautiful treasure of a river when I see one—even if I might not be the best at catching the trout and salmon that swim in them. U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio’s district is filled with waters like these. You will not

Time to act: Rare opportunity in Congress

Published in Advocacy, Featured

This month in Congress, we have a remarkable opportunity that doesn’t come along very often—a chance to pass major legislation that would put Americans back to work while promising cleaner water, healthier rivers, and rebounding trout and salmon fisheries

Catch the F3T, help a local conservation cause

Published in Community, Featured, Fishing, Travel

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is available for online streaming right now, and if you’re interested in catching this year’s film offerings, you can buy tickets from an independent screening and help a local conservation cause in the process. So far, the F3T has raised more than $30,000 for local conservation causes via independent screenings.

Trout Unlimited and Fly Fishers International formalize conservation partnership

For immediate release    Feb. 1, 2021   Contacts:   •Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited,   •Patrick Berry, president and CEO, Fly Fishers International,  •Mark Taylor, Trout Unlimited eastern communications director,  Arlington, VA — Trout Unlimited and Fly Fishers International have entered into a formal conservation partnership, consummating the collective conservation focus of each organization to greater substantive effect.  The agreement

TU’s Work for Legislative Change

Along with the on-the-ground project work and agency relationship-building we focused on in the last two posts, TU also works for legislative change that improves habitat, provides tools to respond to drought, preserves a thriving agricultural economy and works toward water security in the West. One of the legislative vehicles through which we work is

Trout Unlimited CEO lauds pick of REI's Jewell

Contact:Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited, (571) 274-0601 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Unlimited CEO lauds pick of REI’s Jewell Press statement from Chris Wood, president and CEO, Trout Unlimited: “Sally Jewell would make a great Secretary of Interior. Her background suggests that she would bring needed balance to energy development on public lands. Her

Dam notching gives ‘Housey’ trout access to more coldwater habitat

Published in Uncategorized

Notching a dam on Macedonia Brook in Connecticut has opened up an additional 2 miles of quality coldwater habitat for trout in the Housatonic River watershed. After years of planning, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, the Housatonic Valley Association and Trout Unlimited removed parts of the old concrete dam on the Housatonic tributary on

Klootchy Creek Logging Road Decommission and Passage Project

Working with a private timber company, Trout Unlimited removed nine culverts which were barriers to passage for Necanicum River wild coho, steelhead, coastal cutthroat and lamprey. Starting at culvert highest in the watershed of the nine targeted for removal, TU removed fill and the culvert while recontouring stream banks to replicate pre-road conditions. From there

TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship

4/30/1999 TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship TU Report: Wisconsin Sets Example for Habitat Stewardship National Group Warns Against Threats To State’s Conservation Programs Contact: 4/30/1999 — — Madison, Wisconsin – April 28, 1999 – Wisconsin’s trout management programs set an example of habitat stewardship that other states should emulate, according to a

Trout Unlimited Takes Legal Action To Protect California's State Fish

11/29/2001 Trout Unlimited Takes Legal Action To Protect California’s State Fish Trout Unlimited Takes Legal Action To Protect Californias State Fish California golden trouts predicament worsens due to the stocking of non-native fish Contact: Steve Trafton , California Policy Coordinator, TU (510) 528-4772 California Policy Coordinator TU (510) 528-4772 11/29/2001 — Albany, Calif. — The

Trump budget walls off land and water conservation

TU calls on Congress to reject the worst natural resource cuts of President Trumps Budget Proposal “The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.” — President Teddy Roosevelt WASHINGTON, D.C. After reviewing President Trumps Fiscal Year

Maryland Chapter restores part of the Jones Falls

Published in Uncategorized

Photos courtesty of Bluewater Baltimore By Don Haynes and Jim Gracie Over the past five years, Maryland Trout Unlimited has been the mover behind restoration of a long stretch of the Jones Falls in area bordering Baltimore County and Baltimore City. After a frustrating process, the project was finished in fall, 2015. A steam survey

Voices from the River: Beavers as tools

Published in Voices from the river

By Toner Mitchell I recently visited a tailwater stream known for its capacity to produce lots of brown trout, some of them quite large. The reservoir feeding this stream is operated exclusively for downstream agricultural users, the result of which is that the fishery i s also renowned for its poor conditions in winter, when

Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative

In April 2016, Trout Unlimited – along with a diverse group of community, landowner, and agency partners – launched an ambitious new initiative to restore and protect the headwaters and fishery of the upper Snake River in Wyoming. The Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative will leverage the capacity of the active Jackson Hole TU