Search results for “watershed”

Stand up for the Clean Water Act

CLEAN WATER AND HEALTHY FISHERIES At Trout Unlimited, we spend a lot of time thinking about “Blue Lines”—those small streams on the map that are the headwaters from which everything ultimately flows.    Blue lines are the coldest and cleanest waters this country has to offer. They are critical to the native and wild trout and

Good Samaritan business sign on letter

Good Samaritan business sign on letter Please add your business name to the form below to join this sign on letter. November, 2023 Dear Senator Heinrich and Senator Risch:  Clean water is essential for America’s booming outdoor recreation economy. Supporting over $862 billion in consumer spending and 4.5 million jobs, this industry is here to

Trout Unlimited

Fishing. Conservation. Community. We bring people together across the country to care for our rivers and help make our water cleaner and our communities healthier. Please join us. Priority Waters are rivers and streams across America where Trout Unlimited is focusing our energies to care for and recover wild and native trout and salmon watersheds.


Mission Our mission is to conserve, protect and restore north-central Vermont and Northeast Kingdom coldwater fisheries and watersheds through education, advocacy, and boots-on-the-ground conservation. Vision The vision of the MadDog Chapter of Vermont Trout Unlimited will ensure that robust populations of native and wild coldwater fisheries once again thrive, so that future generations can enjoy

Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem

2/11/2000 Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Restoration of the Elwha River Fisheries and Ecosystem Background and Prospects for Recovery Contact: 2/11/2000 — — A Brief History In 1910, the free-flowing, fisheries-rich, 45-mile-long Elwha River, located in Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula, was blocked by the construction of the Elwha Dam creating the Lake

Driftless Science Review

This Special Publication of the 11th Annual Driftless Area Symposium is a review of the science conducted in the Driftless Area that is relevant to stream restoration (including habitat improvement), with each section written by scientists or restoration practitioners who have worked in the region.  The review is driven by an interest in understanding the

Climate Change FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions (and answers!) about climate change and their impacts to coldwater fish resources. The following is divided into four sections: general climate change, impacts to trout and salmon, impacts to landscapes and rivers, and getting involved. General Climate Change HOW DO SCIENTISTS MONITOR CLIMATE, AND WHAT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT

Cycling to the source of the Eklutna

At the end of May, a crew of spirited friends and I coasted out of Eklutna Lake campground with trimmed packs, tents and miscellaneous items strapped to our bikes, bound for the head of the glacial valley…or at least its vicinity. It was a fresh adventure for all, and for me, the opportunity to witness the East and West Forks of the Eklutna River beyond Eklutna Lake and set eyes on the glacier, where the Eklutna River begins

Requirements Dictated by TU’s 501(c)3

TU’s 501(c)(3) status, or tax-exempt status as a public charity, is one of TU’s most important assets. This status allows donors to deduct their charitable contributions to your chapter or council, to the extent allowed by law and provides us with several other benefits. The IRS determines whether a nonprofit organization is tax-exempt under Section

State of the Trout

Executive summary Fishing for trout is a passion shared by countless anglers across the country. The challenge of catching a monster Lahontan cutthroat trout from Nevada’s Pyramid Lake or a salter brook trout from a coastal stream in Massachusetts can be rewarding and frustrating all at the same time. As fly-fishing author John Gierach described

BLM ignores science, bends to DC politics on Roan Plateau

08/08/2008 BLM ignores science, bends to DC politics on Roan Plateau August 8, 2008 Contact: Bill Dvorak, National Wildlife Federation – (719) 221-3212 Corey Fisher, Trout Unlimited – (970) 589-9196 Suzanne ONeill, Colorado Wildlife Federation – (303) 919-3949 Dwayne Meadows, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership – (307) 742-3339 David Lien, Colorado Backcountry Hunters and Anglers –

Trout Conservationists Oppose Severe Cuts to Conservation Programs in House-approved Agriculture Appropriations Bill

June 16, 2011 Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Government Affairs, (703) 284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trout Conservationists Oppose Severe Cuts to Conservation Programs in House-approved Agriculture Appropriations Bill Inclusion of amendment to stop FDAs effort to approve genetically engineered salmon is applauded. Arlington, Va. — Trout Unlimited (TU) criticized severe and disproportionate spending cuts

Senate reviews TU-supported public lands bills

Published in Government Affairs

Public lands are vital for trout fishing in America. Any decent map proves this. A hearing in the U.S. Senate on Oct. 19 provided a major opportunity to highlight the importance of public lands for coldwater conservation and to advance legislation that will better protect and restore some of the most famous trout, salmon and

Voices from the River: Equinox

Published in Voices from the river

A bigger-than-average trout from a nameless creek, Sierra National Forest. By Sam Davidson For no good reason one of my favorite words is equinox. It sounds like a cool drum set, or a fancy word for a horse’s muzzle. Of course, the term (which stems originally from the old Latin aequinoctium, or “equal night”) means


Published in Uncategorized

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 Contacts: Leslie Steen, Snake River Headwaters Project Manager, Trout Unlimited, 307-699-1022, Chris Deming, Senior Project Manager, Trust for Public Land, 307-739-3941, PARTNERSHIP LED BY TROUT UNLIMITED AND TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND TO RECONNECT TRIBUTARIES IN THE GROS VENTRE HEADWATERS JACKSON, Wyoming – Trout Unlimited (TU) and the Trust for