Search results for “watershed”

OWAA honors writer for essay on Lake Superior?s coaster brook trout

6/20/2006 OWAA honors writer for essay on Lake Superior?s coaster brook trout June 20, 2006 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Contact: Laura Hewitt, (608) 250-3534 OWAA honors writer for essay on Lake Superiors coaster brook trout Eric Hansen receives Excellence in Craft award LAKE CHARLES, La.Thanks to his efforts to publicize the plight of the few

Administration Appears Poised to Issue Death Sentence to Wild Snake River Salmon

7/18/2000 Administration Appears Poised to Issue Death Sentence to Wild Snake River Salmon Administration Appears Poised to Issue Death Sentence to Wild Snake River Salmon Contact: 7/18/2000 — — Contact: Jeff Curtis, Western Conservation Director, Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700; (503) 351-2492 (cell) Alan Moore, Western Communications Coordinator Trout Unlimited: (503) 827-5700; (503) 319-2210 (cell) Maggie

Trout Unlimited Sends Letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Countering Allard's Bypass Flows Claims

4/12/2001 Trout Unlimited Sends Letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Countering Allard’s Bypass Flows Claims Trout Unlimited Sends Letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Countering Allard’s Bypass Flows Claims Contact: 4/12/2001 — — Charles Gauvin, President of the national conservation organization Trout Unlimited, sent a letter to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture today

$2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law

10/13/2000 $2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law $2 Million in Whirling Disease Research Signed Into Law TU Praises Montana Congressional Delegation Contact: 10/13/2000 — — Contact: Steve Moyer, Vice President for Conservation Programs, Trout Unlimited, (703) 284-9406 October 13, 2000. Arlington, VA . . . Two million dollars in crucial whirling disease

Trout Unlimited Encouraged by Forest Service Decision to Restore Water Quality and Protect Brook Trout in Tellico ORV Area

12/19/2007 Trout Unlimited Encouraged by Forest Service Decision to Restore Water Quality and Protect Brook Trout in Tellico ORV Area December 19, 2007 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Michael Squeak Smith, North Carolina Council, Trout Unlimited: 828 205-2355 George Lane, Tennessee Council, Trout Unlimited: 865-414-1527 Trout Unlimited Encouraged by Forest Service Decision to Restore Water Quality

Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes House

03/25/2009 Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes House March 25, 2009 Contact: Mike Beagle, (541) 538-8655 Jim Rogers, (541) 332-2555 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Copper-Salmon Wilderness Act passes HouseSportsmen celebrate as Elk River headwaters gain permanent protection WASHINGTON, D.C.The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, the bill that

Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska;

05/20/2009 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; May 20, 2009 Contact: Nelli Williams Program Director Trout Unlimited Alaska Program 907-770-1776 Deadliest Catch Captain Sig Hansen and Crew Call Pebble Mine a Disaster for Alaska; Celebrity Crab Fishermen ask Gov. Sarah Palin to Halt Project (ANCHORAGE, May

Washington Rivers Conservancy to Join Trout Unlimited

For immediate release Contact: Lisa Pelly, (509) 888-0970 Melinda Kassen, (303) 440-2937, x 100 Rob Masonis, (206) 491-9016 Washington Rivers Conservancy to Join Trout Unlimited (Wenatchee, Wash.)– Washington Rivers Conservancy, a nonprofit conservation organization, will become part of Trout Unlimited, the two groups announced today. WRC provides water-rights expertise for river and stream conservation projects,

TU in Race to Protect Idaho's Teton River

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kim G. Trotter, (208) 552-0891 x 712Randy Scholfield, (720) 375-3961 TU in Race to Protect Idaho’s Teton River Conservation group participates in Teton Dam marathon to raise awareness of dam threat (Rexburg) Trout Unlimited is joining the Teton Dam marathon, one of Eastern Idaho’s premier events, to raise awareness about the

TU Calls Renewable Energy Bills A Step Forward

Contact: Chris Wood, (571) 274-0601Kendall Van Dyk, (406) 690-1728 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU Calls Renewable Energy Bills A Step Forward Bills by Reid, Tester and Heller promote responsible development of wind and solar power WASHINGTON, D.C.House and Senate bills promoting the expansion of wind and solar energy projects on public lands are a promising step

Scott Fly Rod Co. joins effort to protect Colorado's Alpine Triangle

Contact: Ty Churchwell, (970) 259-5116 Jim Bartschi, (970) 249-3180 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Scott Fly Rod Co. joins effort to protect Colorado’s Alpine Triangle Montrose, Colo.-based rod manufacturer endorses TU’s efforts to keep the Triangle intact for all who use it today MONTROSE, Colo.Scott Fly Rod Co. of Montrose, Colo., has endorsed Trout Unlimited’s efforts to

Tenkara USA donates 1 Percent for the Planet to TU

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Contact: Chris Hunt (208) 552-0891, ext. 714Daniel Galhardo (415) 238-6613 Tenkara USA donates 1 Percent for the Planet to TU Money will go to the Sportsmens Conservation Projects efforts to protect backcountry fish and game habitat WASHINGTONTenkara USA, the first company to introduce the tenkara method of fishing to the US, announced this

Western governors express support for renewable energy revenue sharing

Contact:Brian Zupancic, (703) 284-9427, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Western governors express support for renewable energy revenue sharing Washington, D.C. In a letter to members of the U.S. Senate, the Western Governors Association announced its support for establishing a program to collect and share royalty revenues from renewable energy development on federal public lands. The association

Idaho Roadless Rule upheld by Ninth Circuit Court

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Idaho Roadless Rule upheld by Ninth Circuit Court Rule will keep more than 9 million acres of backcountry protected Anglers and hunters’ most valuable places scored a win Monday when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals announced Monday it was upholding the Idaho Roadless Rule. The decision was the final foreseeable hurdle

Veazie Dam Removal Brings Atlantic Salmon Closer to Recovery on the Penobscot River

July 22, 2013 For Immediate Release: Contact: Erin Mooney, 571-331-7970,; Jeff Reardon, 207-615-9200, Veazie Dam Removal Brings Atlantic Salmon Closer to Recovery on the Penobscot River Penobscot restoration project to increase 1,000 miles of habitat for 11 species of sea-run fish. Arlington, Va.—Todays removal of the Veazie Dam on Maines Penobscot River brings

TU Supports EPA, Corps of Engineers Draft Rule Protecting Headwater Streams

March 25 , 2014 Contact: Steve Moyer 703-284-9406 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: TU supports EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Efforts to Restore Protections to Headwater Trout Streams Clean Water Act rulemaking will protect trout salmon and angling, while maintaining longstanding exemptions for farmers, ranchers and forestry. WASHINGTON, D.C.Trout Unlimited today announced its support for a

Sportsmen applaud Senate hearing on Browns Canyon

July 22, 2014 For Immediate Release Media Contact: Kyle Perkins, Trout Unlimited,, 303.579.6498 Sportsmen applaud Senate hearing on Browns Canyon protections (Denver, CO)–On Wednesday, July 23, the Senate National Parks Subcommittee will hear a variety of bills including S. 1794, which designates Browns Canyon in Chaffee County as a National Monument. Sportsmen and women,