Search results for “watershed”

Native: Partnership working on upper Gunpowder brook trout

Published in Uncategorized

By Don Haynes When people think of the Gunpowder River in Maryland they invariably think of the 14-mile tailwater section flowing from Prettyboy Reservoir to Loch Raven Reservoir in Baltimore County. But above Prettyboy, from Hoffmanville to Southern York County in Pennsylvania, there are some 60 miles of the Gunpowder mainstem and tributaries that comprise

Farm Bill for Fish Conservation

  When you think of Farm Bill conservation, what comes to mind? Maybe fields full of pheasants or ringed by deer stands? Prairie potholes for waterfowl? What about fish – perhaps a little farm pond full of bluegills and bass?  Our friends at the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership put together an excellent overview of how

Trout Unlimited receives EPA grant to expand STREAM Girls

Published in Community, Featured, STREAM Girls, Youth

By Jamie Vaughan Trout Unlimited staff in Michigan are excited to announce the expansion of the STREAM Girls program throughout the state thanks to a recently awarded grant through the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Education Program.  The goal of expanding Trout Unlimited’s STREAM Girls Program is to educate more than 275 girls, 35 partners and volunteers, and 1,000 community members

Trout Unlimited Supports New Federal Strategy for Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Restoration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact:Steve Moyer, Vice President of Government Affairs (703) 284-9406 Trout Unlimited Supports New Federal Strategy for Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem Restoration Strategy describes targets and tools for restoration efforts. ARLINGTON, Va.–Trout Unlimited (TU) applauds the work of the Federal Leadership Committee for the Chesapeake Bay on its finalized strategy for protecting and

TU, Stakeholders Concerned about Changes to Hermosa Bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept. 18, 2014 Contact: Ty Churchwell, 970-903-3010 Keith Curley, 703-284-9428 Hermosa Creek bill passes House Natural Resources CommitteeCongress alters bill, creating concern among stakeholders DURANGO, Colo. Trout Unlimited and other local stakeholders today expressed concern with a substitute amendment released on Tuesday, Sept. 16, that alters key provisions of the Hermosa Creek

New Michigan program connects students with local farm 

Published in Conservation

By Jamie Vaughan  In 2018 Trout Unlimited recently kicked off a new pilot program, Seasons on the Farm, in partnership with the Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds, Plainsong Farm, and the Kent Conservation District. Seasons on the Farm aims to provide practical, immersive farm-based environmental education for middle school students in the Rogue River watershed. Through a series

Go Rogue with the Rogue Forest Cooperative

Published in Uncategorized

By Jamie Vaughan It’s not by accident that the Rogue River in southern Michigan offers some of the best trout fishing in the state. This urban river, just minutes from sprawling Grand Rapids, boasts robust brown trout populations and some of the Great Lakes finest steelhead, reminiscent of a more remote, northern Michigan trout stream.

Go Rogue with the Rogue Forest Cooperative

Published in Uncategorized

By Jamie Vaughan It’s not by accident that the Rogue River in southern Michigan offers some of the best trout fishing in the state. This urban river, just minutes from sprawling Grand Rapids, boasts robust brown trout populations and some of the Great Lakes finest steelhead, reminiscent of a more remote, northern Michigan trout stream.

Brook Trout Return To Stream After Years of Restoration

Contact: Amy Wolfe, Director, TU Eastern Abandoned Mine Program570-786-9562, For Immediate Release: Brook Trout Return To Stream After Years of Restoration Fish return after 13 years of work on abandoned mine clean-up. LOCK HAVEN, PA After over a decade of work by Trout Unlimited (TU) repairing damage from abandoned coal mine drainage in the

Building a better river: Rico Diversion project improves fish passage and bank stability

The Star Valley fish passage project serves as a model for other conservation-minded private landowners. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 1, 2023 CONTACT ETNA, WYOMING – Trout Unlimited is on the brink of completing the Rico Diversion Fish Passage and Stabilization Project, aimed at stabilizing river banks and enhancing fish passage for Snake River Cutthroat Trout

Michigan students connect to the environment through farming

Published in Conservation, Youth

By Jamie Vaughan Trout Unlimited recently kicked off a new pilot program, Seasons on the Farm, in partnership with the Lower Grand River Organization of Watersheds, Plainsong Farm, and the Kent Conservation District in Michigan. Seasons on the Farm aims to provide practical, immersive farm-based environmental education for middle school students in the Rogue River

Trout Unlimited praises San Juan Mountains wilderness bill

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2018 Contact: Garrett Hanks, TU Southwest Public Lands Coordinator,, 970-590-9367 Legislation would help protect San Miguel watershed, native cutthroat trout (Ridgway)Trout Unlimited today praised Sen. Michael Bennet for introducing his San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act, a bill that would establish permanent land protections, including wilderness additions, in the Upper