
Video spotlight | Page 20

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Creeking

    Of all the types of fly fishing, from the flats of the tropics to the steelhead and salmon rivers of the coastal north, my favorite is what I've always called "blue lining." I love small mountain streams on public lands—places where anyone can visit with a fly rod and, often, not see another angler for…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: High Country Cutthroat

    Featuring Heather Hodson of United Women on the Fly, this great new Todd Moen film shows why those of us who live in the West absolutely love native cutthroat trout. These are the fish that always seem to be looking up, always seem to be hungry and, when we're chasing them, the wallpaper is pretty…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: 90 and Counting

    Leigh Perkins, the man who bought a small New England outdoors company and helped turn it into the Orvis we know today, is 90 years old. But you'd never know it. Video of ORVIS PRESENTS: 90 and CountingThe short film above is more than just a tribute to Perkins—it's an homage to fathers and grandfathers…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Epic Boat Fails

    Last week, I got a few notes after posting The Family Guy version of launching the boat. Turns out, Peter's epic boat-launching fail was nothing. Video of Epic Boat Fails - Boat Launch GONE WRONG CompilationOne reader sent me the link to the video above. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, honestly. Be…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Hook sizes

    I'm loving this new series that Tim Flagler and Orvis are doing on hooks and hook sizes. This lessens the curve for new fly tiers and for new fly fishers who can find the verbiage surrounding hooks a bit intimidating. To make it simple, Tim offers the best explainer: The higher the number, the smaller…