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PHOENIX – Earlier this week, Trout Unlimited analyzed a new report exploring the connection between water consumption and energy development – an exercise that resulted in more questions than answers.
Despite existing regulations in Arizona to monitor water consumption, only 16 of 57 of Arizona’s power plants running on fossil fuels and coal reported their water usage. In fact, only large-scale power plants—those that produce 25 Megawatts or more—are required by law to recycle cooling water, but the requirements are not universally applied.
“While Arizona’s agricultural operations and municipalities draw greater volumes of water, water usage for energy production is not insignificant,” said Nathan Rees, Arizona state lead for TU. “Coupled with the fact that the southwestern United States is experiencing a significant increase in population growth and economic development, we need to understand how much water is being used in energy generation to help guide smart decision-making about our water resources and our state’s energy portfolio.”
The report also found that large-scale power plants have grandfathered rights, allowing them to continue pumping groundwater based on historical use established in 1980. With 41 percent of Arizona’s water coming from underground, modern governance requirements are needed to fill in the lack of data from Arizona’s existing power plants, in addition to creating new monitoring requirements for burgeoning energy resources like solar and wind across our public lands.
“It’s no secret that water availability is a critical issue in Arizona for both humans and wildlife,” said Rees. “Landscape impacts on fish and wildlife habitat should also be considered as the state weighs the right mix of energy generation.”
At a time of drought, policymakers and planners need to consider both water usage and landscape impacts of energy production, and consider where and when alternatives to natural gas, coal and nuclear make sense. Arizona needs transparency in data reporting requirements, especially the reporting of water usage by energy producers.
Trout Unlimited is the nation’s oldest and largest coldwater fisheries conservation organization dedicated to caring for and recovering America’s rivers and streams so our children can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon. Across the country, TU brings to bear local, regional and national grassroots organizing, durable partnerships, science-backed policy muscle, and legal firepower on behalf of trout and salmon fisheries, healthy waters and vibrant communities.